Lucky Parker Owner

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Welp, there goes the lanyard exemption for pilot houses. I never really run on plane from the cockpit, but I need to re-read the rule.
Welp, there goes the lanyard exemption for pilot houses. I never really run on plane from the cockpit, but I need to re-read the rule.
I have never run on plane from the cockpit station; never will. Also, I have a double-long tether for the cut off switch at the cockpit station; it reaches anywhere in the cockpit, and even to the far end of the Armstrong bracket, although I would never venture onto the bracket/platform when under power, certainly not when I'm single-handing the boat.
Welp, there goes the lanyard exemption for pilot houses. I never really run on plane from the cockpit, but I need to re-read the rule.

I’m a huge fan of the Fell Marine MOB+ electronic cut-off switches. The lanyards are such a PITA that they never get used. In my opinion, if you operate the boat alone, it should be a no-brainer to have one of these

That was one of my first additions to my 1700 after running the boat a few times post-overhaul. The 2530 doesn’t have one, because I almost never single hand operate that boat.

Another thing to think about: even if you have the cutoff switch and can swim back to the boat, can you get back on board? A lot of Parkers have the removable Armstrong ladder; that’s not going to be of any assistance in climbing back onto the boat. If you’ve never tried to do it, I recommend giving it a shot- it’s harder to haul yourself onto that bracket than you’d think. That’s why I’m a fan of the collapsible, fold-down ladders that are permanently mounted to the bracket and can be reached by someone in the water. I’ve also seen some neat tricks of someone climbing onto the outboard and using the side-mounted trim switch to tilt the motor up and “ride” it into the boat… not sure I’d want to rely on that method though.
Welp, there goes the lanyard exemption for pilot houses. I never really run on plane from the cockpit, but I need to re-read the rule.
The easy fix is an electronic kill switch. Easy to install a Fell 1st Mate system or Fell MOB system (ACR also makes an electronic kill switch but never installed one) Even if you fell off your boat at a slow trolling speed it would not be a pretty picture as it motored towards the horizon.
Rewatched the video, that dude was lucky. It leads me to believe the boat was moving pretty fast since it almost "ran us down," but when they got control they were right at the guy? Hmmm.
This is a "recycled" story from a year or two ago. Still a great reminder with the season upon us. It would be a horrible way to die not to mention, totally preventable.
I have a MOB cut off on my 2120, I always were it when Im out alone. It has a 2 separate bipasses too if your concerned about it stranding you. Mines worked perfectly.