Mounting Bennett Trim Tabs on 25 mv

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2010
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Received a pair of 24x9" Bennett trim tabs for my 25mv. Reading the directions provided by Bennett, it is recommended to mount the distal end of the tab 3-4" away from the hull chine. Sounds pretty straight forward to me. Given the "flat chine" on the 25mv, I'll likely mount the tab about 1" from the edge of the flat chine. Sound appropiate?
That'll work! Mine are a tad 'into' (or outboard thereof) the turn-down chine and I wish I had put them a bit more inboard, as I'll notice a slight "steering effect" when I severely deploy the tab planes. Here's a picture of my boat with them freshly installed, that's posted up on Bennett "Project Boat" pages.


Capt Kevin (Megabyte) added his after I did mine, and his are right about where the turn-down chine meets the running bottom and that works too, see below:


If a hull with an OB bracket, there's no reason you can't put them where you intend to ... unless somethng on the INSIDE prevents mounting the actuator at that spot, if a thru-hull connection.
Thanks Dale. I figured if I mounted the tab too far outboard, I would have some negative steering effects caused by the flat chine.
GoodChance":4utdh142 said:
I figured if I mounted the tab too far outboard, I would have some negative steering effects caused by the flat chine.
If aware of it, I wouldn't exactly call it a negative ... just for kicks I once steered my boat home, whilst cruising up on plane, about ~8-miles ... just to prove one could use tabs in an emergency to help get you home D ! Uhhhhhhh, I did NOT try it once I hit the mooring area - haha :shock: .
Thanks Dale and Jim - I got the tabs mounted this past weekend but the lenth of 1/8" hydraulic tubing by Bennett wasn't long enough to reach the HPU to the rams..... so Bennett is sending more tubing.

Second, what type of transducer are you now using? Still using a TM transducer or are you using a thru-hull?
GoodChance":2q8sy5sr said:
Second, what type of transducer are you now using? Still using a TM transducer or are you using a thru-hull?
If that question was for me ... presently I have an Airmar transom mount xducer with temp readings, but I intend to add an in-the-hull Airmar tilted element next Spring.
i use a shoot thru, but my boat is a 2320 not a 2520. i have installed transducers on 2520s though and the best place seems to be starboard side opposite the raw water intake on the port side...... exactly the way Magabyte's is setup. decide how much power you want and select the corresponding Airmar transducer. the low profile B60 tilted element seems to be popular and works well in most conditions unless you fish very deep say more than 300 ft. easy to install (take about 1 hour). lots of threads on this site about the install.
Thanks Jim and Dale.

Jim - Yes, I recently installed a b60 on a Mako 261 and the install was very easy. But I'd prefer to have a P58 (TM) instead on the Parker, but I'm not certain that I have the room on the transom for the TM transducer with the trim tabs already using 48" of width.

Dale - I guess you have the TM transducer mounted immediately adjacent to the starboard trim tab?

Also thinking about putting a 258 right on the CL (dead center) but, again, the fewer holes in the hull the better.

Decisions, decisions.....
GoodChance":sybgmuqk said:
Dale - I guess you have the TM transducer mounted immediately adjacent to the starboard trim tab?
Yes, never an issue, even when running WOT (close to ~40mph).

I also use a digital depthfinder that "shoots thru" the glass, as its mounted up forward under the helm cabin inspection port. I use this as it reads to < 2' under the hull ... as I'm on a wicked shallow tidal estuary. It tells me when to shut the OB off, lift it up, and ... get out and push :roll: - haha!

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