Naked lady spotted!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
St. Leonard, MD
HA!!!!! I knew that subject would get you guys to look!!!! :D

Naked only refers to a lack of decals. I recently pulled them off of my Grady. The nameplate on the sides will eventually go, but I want to come up with a custom design to replace them with first.

What do you guys think?


I think I'm going to change the waterline so it follows the chine in the front and then add a 2" navy blue boot stripe 1" above the waterline.[/img]
The best boot stripes I've seen have 1" of 'white space' above the bottom paint, then a 2" color stripe, so I think you're spot on with your idea. :wink:
Photobucket is being blocked at work, so now I can finally see the photo. :(

The photo is a bit dark, but did you remove the stripes? If so, I like the new look. Very 'clean'!
Is the Grady logo going away too?
Just as with Parker, the classic lines of a Grady do not need a logo to identify.

My Parker is naked also.
Yep Kev, the stripes are gone. The logo is eventually going as well...but I'm going to devise a custom replacement for them.

I started the cleanup tonight. Spent about 2.5 hours with the 6" grinder outfitted with a polishing wheel. I am using a Meguiars 3-part kit that consists of an oxidation remover, polish and wax. Got about 3/4 of the port hull sides done with the oxidation remover and it looks phenomenal. There's almost no trace of the stripes.... :D