Ty, men for info, my gut tells me some days solo fishing with just my 185 lb butt I would be fine w the 150 4-stroke. But.... Like I read on another post it's a lot cheaper to get the extra hp now and be on the safe side with say my 300lb neighbor, a dog, full cooler, full fuel etc. Just FYI it's about a $3500 dollar difference..... I'm coming to terms with the fact that If I want a brand new 2120 sc the new 200 4cyl is my only option and that's with 5yr warranty. (they will put a 225 6cyl on there at factory but it adds decent weight and they are saying roughly add 10k in $ to the 150hp price ($6500 above new 200 which I found out of line but that's what I'm told). Warthog5, do you know anything about the gear ratios on the new 200 4cyl? . I'm clueless and don't mind admitting it. I looked at the yamaha "hot sheet" and the gear ratios were not listed. I know my 115 Suzuki 4stroke performs really well with the 19' skiff, I've enjoyed the heck out of running it, but that's all I know. Wanting a similar response from this Parker but with the dry ride and security of locking door, shade etc. im with ya on the "just cause its new ......." lost my butt in 06' on two New 6.0 liter ford deisal work trucks, they were new, they were garbage.