Check under each pie plate.
Fuel tank should be ok but check it the best you can,
(All of these answers are referring to the 98).Sending units look good, Bilge doesn't smell like gas.
Have fuel hoses been replaced?
Does the tilt lever POS mechanism gizmo work on the outboard bracket? That is when you raise the motor does the tilt meter display the correct setting on the dash guage?
Yes that works on the digital gauge
Have the OB and bracket zincs been replaced ? There are zincs on the powerhead by the spark plugs. Have they been replaced? Check with flashlight around both thermostat housings for corrosion.
Mechanic diaphragm fuel pumps or 2 electric pumps? If former be prepared to rebuild
Buy parts from SIM Yamaha and talk with Andy
Not sure about this either, but I will take a look with the surveyor
If Stainless Marine bracket then the bracket pie plate is probably leaking and Warthog replaced with a better one from Armstrong Marine. It requires making the hole larger and solved the problem forever
Bracket also has zinc and drain plug
I haven't looked at the one with the bracket yet. I am tomorrow
Check all thru fittings. Some are marelon ? sp? and may need replacing with SS fittings
It doesn't have a thru hull transducer, so the only ones should be the scuppers for the deck and transom, and then the raw water wash down, correct?
Check the deck for soft spots and under pie plates, gelcoat cracking. A good cockpit wax job hides most small cracks
I checked around all pie plates, they all looked good. No soft spots or cracks, and I know it hasn't been waxed.
Check cockpit drains. If brass may need replacing. Check flappers some like flappers some like ball type
The flappers are very brittle. I don't think the cockpit drains are brass, but I could be wrong.
Run the boat at WOT and check max rpm
Will do when I sea trial.
Check age of bilge pump and capacity. Often they have been replaced with smaller units
The bilge wiring and pumps look good, not sure of capacity.
Check the antenna mount and does it have a separate waterproof fitting for the wire going inside
I will have to check this.
Check the front and rear eye hooks are tight
The seemed tight when I tugged on them.
Check all lights are working esp the front left and right lights, and top light . Has LED bulbs have been used as replacments.
All lights work including the cabin lights. No leds
Make the motor is cold before you start it
I watched the motor start cold. It high idled for a normal time until the computer brought it down to a normal idle that was pretty steady.
Check age of batteries
Need pics!
I know! I will make sure to get some good ones. Thanks!