Bob M":2ugazq6l said:
Thanks for the suggestion Dale. I am looking for a used lower unit. I am told I can buy a reconditioned one with 1 year warranty for about $2600.
That's TOO much! On your other post about ideal prop for your boat, I listed a site that will sell you a refurb LU for < $1000 that YOU can bolt up yourself!
How many hours should an outboard be good for.
Hours? Depends on care and if propped right, but I'd guess in excess of 3000. They say the national average is 50-60 hours per season. I run anywhere from 100 to 200 or more, depending highly on whether or not I chase tuna offshore.
That said, I once got 24-years from an OMC V4 130hp that was still running when sold. My brother's twin Yamaha 150hp 2-strokes are 1987 models and we think one finally just ate a ring or cylinder.
I myself would be terribly disappointed if I ever got < 20-years use from a V6 OB. I have seen V4s go for MUCH longer and we have a 1966 Evinrude 6hp on my dock that still runs and starts on the 1st pull.
And it is a 43-year old motor! Points ignition too, no CDI ignition! Heck, it's almost as old as me!
I was thinking of there being some benefits to the newer technology but I hate to spend close to $20K if I don't have to.
Look at this way ... assuming you run 1000 miles per year and might get up to a 40% increase in fuel efficiency (that may NOT ever materialize ...) at a cost of even $4/gallon (assuming 1.8 mpg on current motor and 2.5mpg on 4-stroke)
equates to only a $622 more in fuel costs per year, with your dirty 2-stroke.
... and you'd want to spend
$20K now to potentially save < $650/year when you have a motor < 10-years old? Believe me, I sure want to put a Suzuki 250hp 4-stroke on the stern, but OMG ... not until my motor dies!
That said ... if you have the disposable $$ ... then go for it!