NOTE about OFF-TOPIC posts ...

Classic Parker Boat Forum

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FOUNDER of Classic Parker Forum
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Newbury, MA
Please note ... I try as I can, but sometimes 'porn', 'drug' or other non-Parker related posters sneak through our firewall and attempt to post off-topic posts, some including very graphic pictures.

Please know that I spend literally 30 minutes to an hour every day cleaning out the registration cache and membership, as every website I know is bombarded with porn or legal/illegal erectile dysfunction drug ad spam attempts.

When I see something offensive, I look the IP and ban it and the users email address. Then I remove the post. So sometimes it may take a few minutes to a few hours to delete objectionable material.

My sincere apologies to anyone who may be offended. But like you, I have a full-time job, so please understand if something ad stays there longer that you or I would care it to.

Thanks for listening ...

Its guys like you that make this forum possible. Thanks for donating your time ...

Much appreciated!
Dale.....You do an absolutely great job......You could spend full time trying to protect a site as popular as this one and not succeed! We appreciate your dedicated efforts for sure!