Own 1801 vs. Wanting 2300t Big Bay

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Nov 5, 2021
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I know, not a great comparison, just looking for advice...........

I've owned an 1801 for 3 years now. It's a 2009 that I have outfitted the way I want. Brand new Rhodan trolling motor, Power Pole 10', Garmin 106SV UHD, stereo. Near mint.

Considering the 2300T Big Bay I linked in the classifieds a friend owns. It's loaded too. Everything mine has, much better Raymarine electronics 12" and 7" and has a jackplate.

I fish inshore, nearshore, but I want to be able to run out 30-40 miles into the gulf out of Englewood FL.
2 entirely different hulls, motor sizes, floor space,

What would I gain,

2300T BIG BAY has:
removable t-top, I have bridge to clear and have been caught outside a few times even with planning my timing to go/return.
toilet in console, BIG PLUS for wife. I won't even go into detail.
Tons more fishing space.
Jackplate. I'm in FL, it's shallow. Never owned a jackplate. Lots around so must be a positive?
250hp vs 115hp. Tons more power but tons more fuel. My115hp is economical.

Just can't decide whether to sell mine and go bigger or just be happy with mine and keep fishing !!! What am I not seeing? Which would you rather be 30 miles offshore on with bad weather nearing?
Both are really nice boats and appear to both be well equipped however, as you said, it's not an apples to apples comparison. It really comes down to what you want (I know, that doesn't help you). I have a soft spot for the 2300 Big Bay (probably because they are so unique and kind of a unicorn) and really would love to have one where I fish (Potomac River, Patuxent River, some Chesapeake Bay) but, honestly, the 1801 would also be great for this area too.

Now, to your last question, I would not like to be in either boat 30 miles off shore unless the weather was perfect. Neither boat is made for bad weather on the ocean/Gulf (or even Chesapeake). The sides on the Big Bay are just too low for that sort of boating and really wasn't designed for that. It's probably not any better than the 1801 in bad weather on the Gulf.

Sounds like you may need to look at the 2100 or 2300 DV to see the improvement you are probably looking for. Good luck.
I wouldn't take the bay boat out 30-40 miles, just not enough freeboard in my opinion. Everything else inshore wise it excels at.
The low gunnels are what steers me away from the 2300T but weight and length of the hull & the 250SHO on the back of it means I could get back inshore in about half the time I'm thinking? I'm aware neither is an offshore boat, but in decent conditions either will go 30, 40 ,50 miles offshore easily. Calm water is calm water, just gotta avoid that sudden change in weather. It would cost me a bunch of $$$ to move up and another bunch for gas, insurance, maintenance, etc.
I know without a doubt I'm better off just keeping my laid out little 1801, but dang it, I had a 24' boat and I miss the deck space. And the wife REALLY misses the toilet.
For the record, I routinely go offshore about 5-7 miles to some reefs. Getting back in is easy but would be easier and quicker in the bigger 2300T. Going 30-40 out I think I would still want the bigger, faster hull. But realistically, I wouldn't be going out that far too often and only on perfect days, but even perfect weather days can change quickly.
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