Problem with marina/mechanic/repair shop ....... any advice.

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So I emailed the guy yesterday morning and said I would be picking the boat up yesterday afternoon. He called me around 10AM and told me all kinds of reasons why the boat wasn't ready Saturday evening as promised. Let me see:

1) Storms knocked out power to his shop all day.
2) He decided to go to the Eastern Shore Sunday even though he missed a full days work Saturday and had told me Friday that he would stay local Sunday to finish up if need be.
3) With no power, he had no power tools to use (???) and said that he couldn't finish painting (window/windshield trim) because it was too humid.
4) His cell phone crapped out on him again (hence the no phone call Saturday as promised). Whatever issue his cell phone had also apparently affected his office and/or home land line phone. He said he's since replaced his cell with a new one so his phone issue is resolved (convenient considering the boat is basically done and I am sure he is marketing for my "in-season" business. He wants me to hear that his communication issues are resolved I guess).

Anyhow, as of yesterday morning, he said he felt he'd be done by yesterday evening or first thing this morning at the latest. I told him I would be picking the boat up this afternoon and that I would like to speak with him to confirm before hand. We shall see. I think regardless (even if I don't hear from him), I am going down there.

The plan is to pick up the boat (after going through his scope list) and then deliver it to an Amish group down the street (perk of S. MD) who has already signed on for doing the starboard trim/door work. Hopefully it won't take very long and I am quite excited to see the finished product.
Bottom line after all that you explained above if it where my boat it would already be back in my drive way just my 2 cents
I am sure many of you are getting tired of my posts in this thread but I feel I need to update it as it may well end up serving as a running tally of my interactions with this business. And should the issues not be resolved properly, it may provide some others with some history of this group (should I opt to post names publically).

Anyhow, as noted yesterday, I was told the boat would be ready between 5-6pm yesterday evening. I told him flat out that I would be there at 6pm to pick up the boat. I resent over our running list of scope activities and said "Please confirm that all work is complete. We will use this is a checklist to confirm work and determine final payment."

As I was walking out of my house at 4:45pm to head down to the marina, I get a phone call from him saying "How pressed are you on having to get this boat this afternoon?". I explain that I am definately pressed as I need to drop the boat off at another location to have the wood/starboard work completed and that I was out of town for this coming weekend - so it needed to be done ASAP or it wouldn't be done until I got back (costing me 1/2 - 1 week). He goes on to tell me that he was hosing down the boat to get it ready for pickup and he realized he had left some overspray on the gelgoat around the windsheild framing he had just finished (he stripped it, primed it and repainted it). He was working on it as we spoke but it was taking quite a while to get worked out. I said "I will drive slow - but I will be there just after 6pm - have it ready."

So I swing by and grab Pops (part owner of the boat) and we head down. We pull in the yard around 615pm. The guy is working some compound around the boat hitting some of his overspray spots. As he is explaining this all to me, I pull out my list and start going through the items as I walk the boat.

First thing I notice is that the cable for the whinch (electric) hasn't be replaced. I mention this and he shows me a brand new cable still in a bag. He asks if I could help him with it as it would only take 5 minutes. I oblige figuring he had put it off to the end. So we yank out the old one and hook the new one up. No big deal.

I then notice the rub rail. He was asked to repair two spots - one where a screw had popped pulling the rub rail away from the boat. And a second spot that needed to be caulked because water was pushing under it into the cuddy (on really rough weather). Neither were done.

I hop up into the boat following my list. He did replace the guages and I confirmed they worked. The horn was installed and working. The VHF was rewired and seemed to work great. New marine radio was installed in the cuddy and working good (he actually did a hell of a job with this).

I stepped down into the cuddy and quickly noticed that he didn't repair a hole where the previous owner must have removed the tucked away head unit (cracked the plastic flooring/molding). This guy was to patch this hole and install a storage unit in this space that would house a few tackle boxes as I didn't want to replace the head unit. When I broached this - he said "Oh, I have the kit/materials in the shop - I just ran out of time. I can give them to you if you want to handle it yourself."

So I stepped up to the helm and hit the trim down button ........ nothing. So I asked. I was told "Yeah, I ordered the part a week ago and they sent me the wrong one. So I ordered the correct one yesterday and tried to have it overnighted, but they couldn't do it. It should be here Thursday." He explained it was an easy fix - simple unplug/plug type thing and that he could have it shipped directly to me.

At this point, I am almost laughing because I am hearing excuse after excuse and this guy apparently sees nothing wrong with statements like "I ran out of time" or "overnighting" when he's had my boat for 3+ months.

So I ask him to hook up the water to the motor so we can make sure everything fires up as it should. He hooks up the rabbit ears and hops in the boat and turns it over .............. nothing. She just cranks and pops. He flips it a few times for the same result. He states "I just had it running earlier after the tune up ....... I don't know why she is acting this way." Keep in mind, he told me Friday afternoon (on the phone) that he had already done the tune up that day and that she was running "beautifully". I digress.

He cranks it over a few times then moves back and pops the cover - checking for something disconnected. He puts his hand on the starter and explains that it is VERY hot and likely is the culprit. I explain that the starter is brand new - bought in July last year. Granted, they can be "bad" right out of the box (I've seen it) but I wouldn't assume it to be the problem from the get-go given it's age. However, he states it's pulling alot of volts and is hot and that apparently Johnson has a history of crap starters (new to me). I let him talk.

At this point I say "Man, I can't take the boat like this. If nothing else was done but the servicing of the motor, I would have settled up and drove off. However, you can't get/keep the boat running so I can only assume there is a problem you need to fix. You haven't completed 1/2 the items on the list (even the easy stuff). The stuff you've done looks great (honestly) but with several of the major items (to me at least) being incomplete - I can't yank this boat. When will it be done?"

He tells me that he simply ran out of time to which I reminded him that he had it for 3 months. He said he could work on it tomorrow (today) but he also had a repair order on the books for the AM on another boat. I cut him off and said "You were supposed to have my boat ready by March 15th and didn't. You were supposed to have my boat done by April 1rst and didn't. You were supposed to have my boat ready by this past weekend and didn't. And you were supposed to have my boat ready by 6pm this evening .......... and didn't. You need to tell whomever's boat is on the books tomorrow that you are making my boat a priority and that you will be getting it done. By your own estimate - you have 1/2 a days work left ...... that should give you plenty of time. I will be back mid-afternoon tomorrow to pick up my completed boat."

I was polite (more than I should've been) and handed him a copy of the working list we had in place. He stated "good, cause my printer was broken and I couldn't print this off." I said "Use it as a check list because I plan on walking through everything again tomorrow. This way you can confirm everything was done."

He is likely going to have to buy a new starter (I should be able to return the other one under warranty I hope) and if that solves the issue - I am fine with that. I could easily do it myself but I don't plan on paying anything more then previously discussed (other than the part itself) so no harm no foul.

I am passed the point of complete frustration. I am almost in sense of amazement and pity. Even if the boat is ready tonight, I may simply just tell him I will be there at 6pm and not show up until next week. Let him call a few times trying to collect his coin. Oddly enough, I would feel some satisfaction in that.

Sorry for the running rant.
miky2884":22e9rfy8 said:
Bottom line after all that you explained above if it where my boat it would already be back in my drive way just my 2 cents

No doubt. Hindsight is 20/20 and I agree with you. Now, unfortunately, I am at a point where if I yank it from him - I take it away from a person who WILL BE (even if I have to push the matter) motivated to get the work done and take it to another place who will put me at the end of his work list as I am sure it is likely a first come first serve approach. IE - there is no reason or expectation for some other marina/shop to place me towards the front of the list.

Also, keep in mind - the quality of this guys work has never been questioned. He has phenominal recommendations in terms of his ability and honesty (in terms of if he says you need something or he says he did something - he is being truthful). The knock on him has been his business approach. I've heard from several people that you needed to push him and followup with him (I did this). I've also heard that if this guy simply focused on doing the work and didn't have to worry about the incidentals of owning a business (the paperwork, the customer interaction, etc) - things would be FAR improved.

I would be lying if I didn't admit that I knew some of this procrastination was a possible issue. I just didn't realize it would be to this extent. This is also why I made sure to get him the boat EARLY and during his admitted "slow period." This way he had plenty of time to procrastinate if it was going to happen without affecting my end date.
Man that is like a nightmare, hopefully you can wake up from it soon. So is this a one man shop? Owner/operator type set-up? Either way he has got a bad case of over promise under delivering.

Gives new meaning to getting references for me just to hear your fiasco.
You are way more patient than most people. Don't give him any more time.

I would make one call to see if he is there, no talk and than go right away with your dad or a friend.
Face to face I would arrive at a fair price with him for the work he has done,
Have him write a final bill, that will take all of 5 minutes, pay him with a check and take the boat.
If he won't take a check, write the check, have him endorse it and give him the cash.

By all means get your boat ASAP.

and don't trust the Amish just because they are Amish,
get some reliable info from someone who has actually had some jobs done by the shop.
Regardless, I think a lawyer should be getting involved. A demand letter at the very least.

Here in CT, that can go a very long way in the judicial system.
From what you have stated, I would not trust his work. He has issues with running a business. He is a good example of a bad example and you should pull your boat now. I dont think he will tie you up in court either and I would not pay him a dime.
Got the boat!!!!

It was ready at 4pm as we agreed (this time). Apparently the issue with the motor was a failing bendex so he ordered a new peice and will install that on my old starter free of charge so I have a back up unit in case it happens again. With the new starter, it fired right up with no hesitation at all. That was a relief.

We went over the whole list and everything was done as instructed. My one heart burn issue is where he installed a storage cabinet in the hole where the head unit was. It was an ordered peice (with drawers for tackle boxes) that filled the gap and required him to install a peice of starboard as trim to fill the gap. Well, apparently he "lost" his skill saw so he decided to use his saws-all. I am sure you can imagine how nice those edges turned out. Of all the things done - 90% of them looked/turned out good. This was definately not one of them.

When we went to settle up, I was ready to haggle over prices even though we had agreed to a number previously. However, by the time he totalled everything up, he came within $20 of the quoted price and that included the extra cost for a new starter and the new bendex peice for the old starter. So in sense, I felt like I got a couple bucks back out of the deal.

I also ended up with a 1/2 sheet of 1/4" black starboard that he apparently planned on using to do some of the wood trim work. He said he didn't need it anymore cause I was doing the wood elsewhere so I asked what he wanted for it. He said make me an offer so I said "Since you had my boat for 3 months and didn't touch the wood - how about free?" He thought that was reasonable.

I then dropped the boat off at the Amish wood working shop. I've used them before for furniture and they do some excellent work. Real top notch quality with very fair pricing. I had met with them before to see if they'd be interested so when I pulled up with the boat, we hopped on it and I pointed some things out to them.

We are going to remove all the old wood (severely weathered) trim and doors (2 cabinets with plexiglass tinted windows and the cuddy door) and replace them with starboard. As discussed here, the trim will be 1/2" while the doors will be 3/4" ...... all in black to match the original colors.

All 3 doors will be louvered which I think will "class" up the boat a bit. They are also going to replace the trim peice around the lock box mentioned above.

I more or less told them they have some free range to be creative but I wanted it to look like it fit with the style of the boat. Most importanly, I wanted it to look clean and classy. They seem to have a good feel for this work and we agreed to set up a followup next week to review some templates and pricing. If all things pan out, I should have the boat back in 2-3 weeks.

It's starting to come together.