Props for Twin 225's

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Palm Beach, FL
I have been wanting to get a new set of props for my 2530 that has twin 225's on it. I figure it would be nice to have a spare set. I keep looking on the yamaha website to see exactly what size/pitch other boats are running. Anyways is anyone on here running twin 225's or is there anybody who would be able to recommend something. Very happy with the props i currently have after cupping them. However, if im going to spend money id rather have something different. Ive played on that merc prop site where you type in your boat and what performance you want. What else is there to do? Just go to a local prop shop and start testing?
there is a company in west coast of florida by the name of Propgods,they are excellent and they also provide a service of coming to your boat or you take boat to them,try a whole bunch of props until the desired prop is located,they will help you out,I got my Rev 4 from them and they came highly recomended on this site,I believe the fellows name is Ken.

I was running 15-1/4 x 19 Mirage Plus wheels on my 25' Grady with 225s. Awesome props. They would spin up to about 5350.

Motors are gone but I still have the props. I'm debating on putting them up for sale, but I'm hesitant in case I end up putting engines back on the boat instead of selling it.
i have those in the saltwater series yamahas. i turn about 5700 with them currently. how did you think they were compared to the stock yamaha ones?
The only props I have to compare them are the standard (non-Saltwater Series) 14 x 19 wheels that came on the boat when it had 200s. Those didn't bite worth anything and I could spin them for 5800 heavily loaded. Plane didn't occur until well over 3000.

With the large diameter Mirage Plus', she was like a whole different boat. :)