Thank you; regarding noise, I noticed nothing of consequence.That looks really nice. Great job. Does it seem any louder when you're running the boat?
Hi Mark, the ceiling looks great! (As you know, I've seen it earlier!).... I was not able to enlarge your attached photo.... a warning popped up. "You do not have permission to view this"... Is anyone else having this issue, or has ClassicPaker 'voted me off the island' ! ☺So I replaced my headliner on my 2005, 2520 XLSC with 1/2 thick beaded pvc, and went over the PVC tubing with a larger gauge tubing, and love how clean and functional it is. ...just saying.
Nope, happened to me as well. You're not alone!Hi Mark, the ceiling looks great! (As you know, I've seen it earlier!).... I was not able to enlarge your attached photo.... a warning popped up. "You do not have permission to view this"... Is anyone else having this issue, or has ClassicPaker 'voted me off the island' ! ☺