wejohns: Ran her again today and I'm still very impressed with economy and speed although she seems sluggish out of the hole....are you using full down trim and tabs on launch? What is working best for you? First boat ever with tabs, looking forward to figuring them out.
Never had a boat that was so engine trim dependent before, seems like every throttle change benefits from some adjustment in engine trim.
Been seeing 2.5-2.8 mpg consistently from 3500-4500, so far very happy with speed and economy.
Still have't seen any weather yet, looking forward to seeing how hard a 2520XL really pounds in a chop. Was able to stay on plane down into high teens with tabs and trim today.
Pulled the Edson wheel knob from the 21' Sea-Mark today and installed it on 2nd station wheel, big improvement.
I was surprised to see how much she maintained way and steering when in neutral, let her coast in then add lots of rudder and a shot of power and you can really get her conform to your plan....looking forward to getting to know her.