Hey guys I have a Parker 2501. It’s a 1999 hull, I have decided to re paint the non skid deck at the very least from the helm back, here are my questions and I did attempt to find an answer before posting, around the entire deck about an inch before you head up the gunnels the non skid stops and it goes smooth. Does this smooth line help channel water or is it just something left over from its original production? If it has no effect I would prefer to bring the non skid all the way to where the horizontal deck meets up with the vertical gunnels. My other question is what is the inside of the boat that isn’t the non skid coated with? Is that white paint or is it white gel coat? I’m assuming it’s paint because it is very matt and has a chalky “feel” to it, I ask because if it is paint then repainting it will be a nice project as well, I don’t really want to paint over gel coat I will just buff and wax in that case. I know it’s hard to see but my pictures are showing my old non skid meeting to that smooth gap then the gunnels.