Repowering a 2520 DV

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Tommy Crowe

Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
Crystal river FLA.
I just got a 2529 parker with 2 200 hp johnsons 95s this is the boat Ive wanted for 2 long Im going to repowerfor the main reason of fuel economy , I know I could buy a lot of fuel for 22.900 but every time I take her out Im hoping to get twice the range I used to get. I wanted to get yamahas just because .. 1st reason Im probley used to see them on the back of the boat that I wanted to have.. 2nd I think I like the color Ive had noithing but yamahas ..But this is 2008 nipping at our heels so Im trying to be opened minded because if Im not Ill pay later at the pump..With all the researsh that Ive done SUZUKI is out front I was going to put 150s on her but several people told me if I had a modified v then I would be fine because 150s is the smallest cubic inch motors you could put on a boat and be safe ,on the river cruising is one thing , but when you go from Ft.lauderdale to BIMINI thats 52 miles and you dont plan to be in a storm they just happen you dont want to be underpowered 150s our probly the cut off ,, Ive heard that from every single parker owner and Salesperson that has helped me research this .. Ive decided to go with the SUZUKIS because they have 12 more Cubic Inches than anybody else ,, They have a DUAL battery system one post is for the starting system battery,, And the other is going to go to the bank of batteries for my a/c system ,, They weigh the same as all the other motors The biggest Advantage is the lower units the Suzukis have is they have a lower Gear Ratio 2.5-1 That allows Suzukis to be able to Turn a 16 Inch Prop All the othe motors can only turn a 14 1/4 prop.The bigger Prop will allow a PARKER boat Cruise at a lower RPM thus saving FUEL These our the numbers I got from three different Parker boats......At 20-22 MPH 16 GPH was an average and at 27-30 18-18.5 was an average and at 35 miles an hour they got hungry 25-26 GPH ..SO IN about 2-3 weeks Ill take some pictures and keep track of all my reciepts and Ill let you know ..Thank You to all that Helped me and thanks for the boat rides and the info. Tommy Crowe
Excellent motor choice~! Your new-to-you Parker will take every advanage offered by turning that bigger wheel! Suzis have variable valve timing and also use a timing belt that never needs replacing while Merc and Yam use belts. And the Suzis are lighter too!

FWIW some tuna guides up this way are running twin Suzi 175s on their deep(er)-V CC, a 26 footer I think, and they LOVE their Suzis. They put > 3,000 hours on a pair of Suzi 140hp 4-strokes before one started showing signs of a weak piston/ring/cylinder ... though it was still running.

One of their employees bought the pair and is sleeving that cylinder. That will be THE 1st 4-stroke OB rebuild I am aware of. And ... not because they don't need them ... but most believe they can't be effeciently (cheaply) rebuilt). That said, if I were buying tomorrow, and I sure wish I were ... it would be a Suzuki 250hp or 300hp on my stern.
Tom - I am on my third season running a 250 Zuke on a 2520 DV. I am very pleased with the reliability and performance.
Tommy Crowe":qkez62l4 said:
. I wanted to get yamahas just because .. 1st reason Im probley used to see them on the back of the boat that I wanted to have..

Should you decide to sell your Parker, do you think others will also be "used to see them (Yamahas) on the back of the boat"?

The biggest Advantage is the lower units the Suzukis have is they have a lower Gear Ratio 2.5-1 That allows Suzukis to be able to Turn a 16 Inch Prop All the othe motors can only turn a 14 1/4 prop.The bigger Prop will allow a PARKER boat Cruise at a lower RPM thus saving FUEL -

We hear a lot about some different lower unit gear in Suzukis and about better milege. Has anyone ever seen any Suzuki performance bulletins to back this up, or is it an "urban myth". If it is so (that is Suzuki having superior milege), why so many premium boat builders risk losing sales by specing only Yamaha products?
FishFactory":2og6bji3 said:
... why so many premium boat builders risk losing sales by specing only Yamaha products?

Simple, Suzi can't keep up in volume, and their dealer network isn't as vast as Yam, or ANY other OB maker right now.

As is, if a powerhead on a Suzi blows up (and they do on ALL OB motors here and there) Suzi is sooooooooooooooo backlogged it'll take ~3 months to get a replacement 'powerhead' - you will NOT get a new motor. Most OB Mfg'rs are doing this nowadays ... which I think s$%ks.
I have a 2520xl with 200 HPDIs. I would not recommend less than 200s for your DV. Fully loaded with 500# ice, 210 gall fuel, 150# bait, 3 people, generator, beer, food etc. i cruise at 25kt - 16gph. 3600rpm.


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