Well, you certaintly hit on the things I was going to suggest, (1) to use dual-feed muffs and (2) about the backpressure. To tell the truth IMHO the only diagnosis that can be done on the muffs is that it starts and stays running ... but only on muffs! I have seen OBs that ran 'great' on muffs but once put into the water and/or put into gear - they would stall out ... due to the backpressure and/or other issues.
I'd be more inclined to believe that something changed in the once of many variables. It could be the source of your water supply, e.g., hose, diameter, pressure from the city, etc., but note that the water route in an OB is complicated. Your new impeller might also be pumping 'differently', not with less force mind you, but maybe even with more force such that the hose water hits the deflector pins in the powerhead unlike raw water pumped solely by the impeller.
It also could be where you parked the boat from the hose (uphill or downhill), the length of the hose, and even the up/down position of the OB itself (that and ANY of the other variables mentioned could change how the water stream hit the deflector pins or routes through the powerleg or powerhead.
Now what did your analog temp guage do during this or do you just have warning lights ;? ? I'm not implying that you have a salt accumulation or blockage brewing inside there, rather let me put it this way. Whenever anyone ever tells me that their OB runs 'hot' on muffs ... the first thing I'd ask is "How does it run in the water?"
If all was well there (meaning when run in the water), I personally wouldn't lose sleep over it. I put so little value into running 150hp and up OBs on muffs that I will not, do not, fog them or do anything else on muffs. All I do in the Spring putting my V6 OB on the muffs is to start it to burn off most of the fogging oil before I hit the ramp, plus making sure she cranks, lights, and sputters to life

Regarding OB temperatures: FWIW I bought one of those non-contact laser "temp guns" that you simply point at a target for and pull the trigged to read the surface temp. I bought one for $35 from Harbor Freight after I did my recent OB engine rebuild and you can bet your boopy that I will check it at the start, middle, and end of each season! This is akin to the way a good diesel motor owner keeps an engine log. The gauge just lets me use quantitative data

FYI - I moved this post to the "Power" forum ...