been through a couple of SeaStar helms already. right out of the box there is a slight clicking sound.
if you find yourself turning the wheel constantly in one direction to run straight then the likely culprit is one or both of the check valves (located on either side of the helm). on my boat, it is easier to remove the helm to clean the check valves. FWIW on a 2520 it is not necessary to remove the helm.
when rotating the wheel, one spring loaded check valve opens and the other closes, allowing the one way movement of fluid. when debris, fluid residue, or rust fouls the check valve, the one way movement of fluid is disrupted. assuming proper fluid level and a good steering ram, this is what causes you to keep turning the wheel to maintain direction.
it is an easy procedure to remove and clean the check valves. while doing it, it also a good time to change the fluid and bleed the system. proper and complete bleeding is very important. FWIW a shop will charge you a $100 to power bleed it.