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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
St. George, Maine
How big is your anchor?
My theory is that when your friends start to chuckle because your anchor is too big, it's just about right.
I have a Danforth on our 2520 XL and I want to switch to a Delta. Reviewing the Delta site leads me to believe that a #14 Delta would probably be adequate. However, I've always loved big anchors and I'm inclined to use a #21. I have a windlass.
Before I pull the trigger I'd like to hear what you are using.
This is a HydroBubble Captains Choice which I don't think are still in production.
When I bought it, it was allegedly sized for a 35' boat.
I do not recall the weight, but I would guess in the 25# range.
30' of chain and 8-plait rode.


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All I have is useless information for you, but the Delta supplied on my 21 holds better than any Danforth I've been used to using. Of course there is more chain there too than I'm accustomed to, so not sure which is the biggest factor.
I've never had an issue with my Danforth anchors holding. IMO, the more chain the better. That always helps with keeping the angle of the line down. I'm still using the Danforth that came with mine with only about 6' of chain. That said, I want to eventually convert mine to a Delta with about 30 or 40' of chain. The Delta anchors look better and I like how they fit when pulled into the roller. I would think that would make the Delta's much better for use with a windlass. Another useful thread generating good information.
Thanks everybody. Great information! I'm going with the #22 Delta. We currently have about 20' of chain backed with about 200' of 8-plait nylon. . I guess I should measure it.

Shawnee, I'm right with you. The Delta just looks like it belongs there. My trawler has a #35 Delta with all-chain rode. I've been in the Keys and Bahamas, where the water is warm, and dove down to check the anchor only to find the boat was laying comfortably on a pile of chain! But when the chain stretches out the anchor takes a good, quick bite. It will quickly reset if the wind or tide changes. Unfortunately, all-chain is probably a lousy choice for our Parkers because of the weight.

The Delta has only let me down once. We were in the Chesapeake, trying to anchor in a blow, in a creek with a mud bottom the consistency of chocolate pudding. I switched over to a #44 Bruce and let it soak down through the ooze. But in all other bottom conditions I don't think you can beat the Delta, except maybe for the Rocna. I'll stow the Danforth and keep it as a standby anchor, in case I wind up back in the muddy Chesapeake one day!
I'm curious if anyone can share experiences using a delta style anchor on a (oyster) shell bottom? Looks like they would be great in sand or mud but we fish primarily on oyster beds in Delaware Bay and getting a Danforth style to grab can sometimes be challenging.
Yes Randy, I agree that all chain on our Parker's would be a bit much weight and take up to much room in the locker vs needed/wanted length of line on a Parker. I really should not have said more chain the better, rather more like I'd prefer 20 to 40' to my 6'. Other than the better holding angle etc.., keeping the line down while hanging at shallow water beach anchorages is a plus for keeping those less experienced boaters who pass to close to your bow at anchor from cutting your line. :lol:
A big plus for chain is that when the boat sails around on its anchor, nylon is going to be vulnerable to chafing on debris or bottom structure whereas chain is going to be pretty much bomb-proof.
If anyone is interested, I have a 21 lb. (I think) Delta that I would consider selling. Bought off of someone on THT for my old 25' Grady Sailfish and never used it. In fact I don't think it's ever been used.

I use a 33lb Bruce anchor with 30' of chain and 300' of rode. I rarely anchor in water deeper than 60', but its nice to have the extra line on board. I did have my Bruce anchor in the bow pulpit, but after separating the cabin from the hull, I felt maybe it was too much weight on the pulpit. The Bruce anchor has not failed me yet, my old Danforth always seemed like I was plowing fields trying to set it. I anchor in bottoms that range from thick mud to rounded beach cobbles.
gw204":1934l14q said:
If anyone is interested, I have a 21 lb. (I think) Delta that I would consider selling. Bought off of someone on THT for my old 25' Grady Sailfish and never used it. In fact I don't think it's ever been used.


How much do you want for it?