Skunked by the slot

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Trolled 6 lines off Thomas Point light. Hooked 4 fish all on white in 40-45ft of water. Skunked by the slot... I hate throwing back 36-38" fish


No skunk. Just call it C&R (which in my mind should be the law for all fish during the spawning runs, no matter where they occur on the face of the Earth.) Just my $0.02
Maybe it wasnt a complete skunk but it still stunk that I didnt come home with fresh fish for a dinner with friends that evening. While I agree that we shouldnt over fish during the spawn (or anytime during the year), I think the 1 fish per person limit without the slot has been prudent being the striper population has been getting stronger over the years. I would like to see other states along the migratroy run match the 1 fish per person limit we have set in Maryland and have Maryland limit the commercial harvest to hook and line.

To me a dead fish doesnt spawn no matter where you kill it during its migratory run.
I don't fish for stripers, here's the NC '06 regs as I understand them.

2 per person per day @ 28" TL- Albemarle Sound
3 per person per day @ 18" TL- Other coastal areas

fed waters (3-200 mi) - Unlawful to possess HUH?

NC has the most minimal fish limits one can imagine. How much meat is on an 18" TL striper? Kings are legal at a paltry 24" FL, and pity the poor Spanish Mack caught in NC...if he's 12" FL long, he's a keeper. Fillet that bad boy. :(

Wanna flounder fish? NCs' the place. Keep all over 14" TL. That's about a 6" slab of meat for dinner. :roll:
Speaking only of the migratory run which is in the spring or very late fall. Maryland is 1 fish per person. The fish must be over 28" and you cannot keep 35-41" (which is the bulk of the fish during the run).

Of course our summer resident fish who never leave the bay the limits could be refined in my opinion. they are 2 fish per person over 18", one of which is allowed to be over 28". Personally I wouldnt mind seeing the resident fish raised to 22" or 24". I agree that there is not much meat on an 18" bass. Although I have kept them I dont keep a lot of summer fish unless i have guests who want them as they are said to be unhealthy to eat more than one a month. The migratory fish are much better to eat.

Btw, I think NJ is now 16.5" for summer flounder.
Try 17" an a shorter season.Usually the season starts begining of May,this year not until May26th,and done by Sept 10th. :x
I'm all for the slot Greg. Just think of how many fish would have been killed this past weekend alone during the MSSA tournament?