Parker 1801 repower

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2017
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Looking for feedback from those who choose the 140 zuke over the 150 Yamaha or mercury.

Long story, have asked this question before, would like more power for cruise speeds and extra weight onboard. Love my boat and want to keep it so would like to replace my F115 with the right motor.

First choice was the merc pro xs 150 at 470lbs but it will run me around 20k and the props could be an issue costing upwards or 1200!!

Yamaha has advantages with using existing harness and gauges but cost is same and financing is ok as well as the new extended warranty

Zuke 140 is just a 115 block with some tuning but the dealer gave me 2 digital gauges with flyby wire rigged and all for 17.5 out the door. Said it will blow my current motor out of the water.

The zuke 150 is way too heavy for me at 530lbs and 3k more.

Any opinions here would be good. Price point is also factor, and flyby wire with the larger gear case is nice. I don’t need to go 50mph I would like to cruise at 28-30mph though around 4500 rpm’s
I don’t need to go 50mph I would like to cruise at 28-30mph though around 4500 rpm’s

You will have No problem with that with the DF 140B Suzzy.

First... I have a different boat. 2072 SeaArk. Big Jonboat /centerconsole. 6 batteries onboard... No T top.

I was wanting a DF140BG G indicates a Fly by wire. Then I changed my mind and go with the DF140B... Non Fly by wire and analog tach w/idiot lights. In White . $13406.00 OUT the Door. High Cotton Marine - Jay,Fl. I saved $2K by going there and Not buying intown. Jay,Fl is a Lil hick / country town, in the Fl. panhandle Real close to Al. line.

With a 3x14x21 prop.... It will cruise @ 28mph - 4000RPM.

I pulled a Very good running '08 Yamaha 90 2 stroke Off.... To put the Suzzy on. This makes my 6th different Suzzy. I would not even consider a "BLACK" merc engine. Those are sold up North... And have a much lesser value here.

At Cruise with the 2 Stroke Yamaha it was getting 3.5MPG...... The Suzzy at same speed went to 6.8mpg.

Why did I change my mind on the Fly by wire? It's just not needed on a small boat and $$$$ saving's.

The fact that your looking at a possible 3 different enginges tells me you don't understand how different a Suzzy is.

Lower gear ratio than any other manufacture... Done thru offset crankshaft / Driveshaft. What does that mean? It swings a Larger prop... Larger prop... More Bite.

Timing chain that runs in a oil Bath.... No timing belt.

My experience has been they are quieter and cheaper than Yamaha. You've already looked up the weight difference's.
I agree with Wart.
I have a 2022 Suzuki 140BG on my 97 1800. It came with the 3 X 14 X 21 aluminum prop and the SMG4 gauge. I trailer my boat so no bottom paint, and I don’t have a T-top. Other than a trolling motor my boat is mostly original.

I just touch 40 MPH at 6100 RPM and my comfy speed is 25MPH at 4000RPM and around 6+ MPG.( going from memory) The digital controls are velvety smooth. You don't want to accidently knock the lever once its in gear. :oops: I don't run much over 5000 RPM but its plenty fast enough when you give her the gas.

Regarding new controls, I removed my old motor, gauges and controls and sold the package. The holes in the console were all filled, glassed and coated so the dealer had a clean slate to work with on the new install. I'm very happy with this motor.

One question...why would you want or need 2 gauges? Those aren't cheap.
One question...why would you want or need 2 gauges? Those aren't cheap.

My guess is "Hole fillers". So many boats have a Speed-O in the mix of gauges.... When I redo a console on a boat... I eliminate the Speed-O. Why? Because they take up space and a not accurate. Furthermore... Your speed is right there in front you on your chartplotter via GPS.
I went through this same decision process at the end of 2022 and finally pulled the trigger on a 150 Yamaha. I had a 150 2-stroke Yamaha on it prior then upgraded to the 150 4-stroke early 2023. One of my main decision points was my mechanic who I trust as does every other Yamaha owner that I know in the area. All in on my upgrade was ~$16K and that is with all new rigging, prop, install, new fuel lines and (because I trailer all the time & why not because it was already at the shop), new leaf springs & hubs. That price also included my trade in discount (`$3500).

I do run pretty heavy on my boat with 36v trolling motor, 3 batteries for that, though they are lithiums, 1 - Interstate 31M-AGM battery for motor & all electronics (~70lb), T-top, 2 coolers, a ton of fishing stuff and usually 2 X 200lb guys for fishing. I generally cruise between 25-30 MPH in the ocean and burn around 3.5-4 MPG.

If I did not go with this motor, the Zuke 140 would have been the one I went with. However the closest mechanic for zuke in my area is about 1.5 hour away, so Yamaha it was for me.
Well after much deliberation and consideration I finally pulled the trigger on a new Suzuki df140BGT mechanical with 2 smg4 gauges and 3x19 watergrip stainless prop. Dealer had excellent pricing and service. Sold my previous engine for some very nice money so I’m happy. Now it’s time to break it in, and play with props. I would like to see 40mph, the 150b motor was just too heavy for my liking and merc 150s have a rep for blowing up. That left me with Yamaha 150 which was 509 lbs with electonic steering and a big price tag. Also dealer was gonna use existing harbess and gauges and to me I didn’t like. Folded on the 140bg and have heard incredible things about the strength of the motor compared to the original A series 140s. Hoping to be breaking her in soon. Couldn’t part with my beloved Parker, even though I want a bigger boat this one means a lot to me.



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