small amount of water always in bilge

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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I read several post on this subject and wanted to try to solve this for the result of a totally dry bilge if that is possible. The amount of water is about 1" and has a very mild salty taste( with a effervescence of Simple Green). I don't anchor much so don't think it is from the anchor line draining but could be rain water and salt mixed.
My question does this little amount of water hurt anything? It does not seem to change in level during an outing ???
Where do you think it comes from and how to fix if possible?
Interested in this as well. Convinced it is there to simply drive me nuts...
If you have a forward bilge pump, the exit is very close to the water line.
Certain wave action can force water into the bilge space through that opening if there isn't a good weather loop in your discharge line.
There isn't a lot of space in there for a proper weather loop (maybe a 6" loop), but it's all the room you have.

Might want to check that.
no forward bilge as I have a 23 CC. Although with the deep haul design I always joke how there is full kitchen below, "who wants omelets !" on early AM starts
A little water in the bilge wouldn't bother me a bit as long as the bilge pump doesn't cycle regularly. In fact I like to add a little fabric softener (from the Dollar Store) to the mix for a nice fresh smell.
I also have the same problem. I cut a 6 inch round hole in the deck in front of the console checking for more stowage and found an area big enough to sleep in. It is fully glassed, and no foam, however there was water in the bottom that drains aft thru a section of plastic pipe that was split and glassed in to pass water under the compartment that houses the fuel tank. I beleive that there is a slight belly in this that holds water and until you put lots of weight aft it just stays there. I think it comes from washing the deck when it runs aft and backs up trying to exit the scuppers and spills over the curb that surrounds that area. Test by sponging out bilge and then put several 5 gallon buckets aft and fill them with water then look to see if you have water in the area that you just dried.

PS I enlarged the deck cutout and painted the forward area with bilge coat and cut a piece of salt treated plywood with the forward end tapered to fit hull shape and painted same. Installed Tempress 13 x 23 cam lock hatch Workes great!!!
Charlesretired any pictures of your work, sounds interesting and I can tell from tapping around there is alot of space up there