do you purchase directly from Yamaha dealer or other online source
2018 Yamaha v-6 outboard
Thanks , Charles in Maine
2018 Yamaha v-6 outboard
Thanks , Charles in Maine
I mostly buy from SIM Yamaha. I've had good service, and one of the people I deal with there is 'Andy'... what can I say!☺do you purchase directly from Yamaha dealer or other online source
2018 Yamaha v-6 outboard
Thanks , Charles in Maine
100% agree with above. Sim Yamaha everything in one box shipped to the door. They also give some decent tech advice over the phone.I purchase 100 hour maintenance kits from SIM. They put everything you need in one box for one price.
I also try to buy parts from my local Yamaha dealer to develop a relationship with them. They are the ones I will need help from if my engine ever needs wrenching beyond what I can do myself.
Not sure why my local dealers cannot do with the 100 hour maintenance box what SIM does, but they don't and I have to stand at the counter for 15 minutes while they put it all together. My local dealers (several of them) are all incapable of working over email. That is my main gripe with the local places. I would prefer to email them a parts list and then arrive to pay quickly, pick up my order and be on my way.
DOMO Online. great prices and No taxdo you purchase directly from Yamaha dealer or other online source
2018 Yamaha v-6 outboard
Thanks , Charles in Maine