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Gents, I did not see this weather strip on the Taylor site and they have not emailed me back about it. Not surprising because I still have not figured out the shrinking weather strip on their side windows yet (many calls and e-mails). All of my weatherstripping on the 2018 boat is shrinking and I keep it well coated with 303. Any ideas on where I can get this or a better substitute? Please see picture so you can see how it is shrinking.
thanks guys!

Hey guys wanted to follow up on this. After not getting anywhere with Taylor support I got in touch with Parker themselves. The nice young lady who answers the info email figured this out for me. This part is #4 (04213) in the attached picture and called Flex Glazing. It can be ordered from the Taylor website now that the part number is known. Just wanted to post this in case it helps someone in the future.