To add second bildge pump???

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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I have the factory installed bilge pump and was wondering if a second bildge pump is is needed on a 23'CC. Just a thinking a second is good for back up as increasing off shore runs next year hopefully. The shelve the 2 batteries sit on takes up the rest of the room over the sealed in board in the bottom of the bilge. So where to mount?
1. Where should the second be installed if needed?
2. How should this one be wired? The original pump is direct to battery #1.
3. How should the discharge be plumbed for the second pump?
I'm not a moderator but if you don't get many replies, it could be because this topic has been addressed (recently). Make want to do search on bilge pumps. Should come up for ya!
Adding a second bilge pump is one of my winter projects.

This how I plan to install the second pump.

Move the factory pump over as far as possible to the port side and as low as possible in the bilge.

Add the second pump next to the factory pump with the discharge facing starboard. Install a smooth bore bilge pump hose. Add a second 3/4 thru hull fitting next to the starboard transom fish box drain and attach new hose.

Connect the additional pump to the battery not used by the factory pump. Add second float switch (electronic).

Ideally you want each pump on a separate battery with a separate float switch to provide a redundant bilge pump system. If one pump fails for whatever reason you have a complete and separate system.