Towing a 2540 DC

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Sep 3, 2020
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Anyone have experience towing their 2540 DC? With a loaded weight of about 10K and a 9 foot width I'm wondering if its too cumbersome to tow, load and unload.
Well, I feel it would probably be very similar to towing a 2520 since it's design is from the same hull. I believe, with full fuel you're probably around 7500# plus trailer. Also, the beam is 9'6" which would require a permit (in most states) to tow but is easily doable. The right 1/2 ton truck today should have no trouble towing but I feel a 3/4 ton would be best (for breaking purposes mostly). There are actually many larger boats being towed regularly at the boat ramps but you should have some experience doing so with a boat this heavy. I guess best answer is, depends on the individual and his/her towing equipment. Btw, I love the 2540 boat, a shame Parker stopped producing them.
Anyone have experience towing their 2540 DC? With a loaded weight of about 10K and a 9 foot width I'm wondering if its too cumbersome to tow, load and unload.
That is alot of boat to tow....a ton pickup (F350 or equivalent) would do the job but the trailer is upmost importance. All SS brake/systems needed along with "E" rated radial tires. Multiple tie downs are least 2 bow and 2 aft are needed. Trailer rated capacity should be at least 30% greater than total geared up boat weight.