Sunday morning I picked my boat up from my dry slip at my marina. I had them put the boat in the water overnight Friday night as I knew I was going to take the boat out before they opened (6:00am). I pull the boat in January to do the annual engine maintenance and get it detailed. Once I had the boat back to my winter covered storage area I noticed that a weld on one of the horizontal tee top supports was cracked. As I was washing the boat I found several cracks running horizontal along the transom where the bilge drain plug is as well as a large crack radiating from my engine bracket. The next morning my fiberglass tech went by to look at the cracks and discovered a crack in the engine bracket. I contacted a marine surveyor to inspect that boat and hopefully he will be there today. I am wondering if they inadvertently dropped the boat on the storage bunks the last time they took it out. I reached out to the marina manager and asked him to review any security footage they may have to see if he can possibly spot the incident. I posted this on The Hull Truth as well. I'm not trying to start a witch hunt for the marina (I've never posted their name & won't). Just hopeful that someone may have seen something like this before and could help shed some light on a possible cause.