mildew2":rlej6yhr said:
Lenco's are half the price of Bennetts and much easier to install. I've used them for years and never had a problem. Parker uses them exclusively from the factory.
Uhhhhh, that alleged price difference you quote is absolute BS! I just found Lenco and Bennett 9x30 installation kits on-line, both with the tab position readout indicator and both are a few bucks +/- of $750, in fact the Bennetts were cheaper! ... 56687.html
It has been beaten to death on many forums, but the Bennett is the superior system, even if you have to prime and install the hydraulic system, but you only do that once. Their tab plane is superior and I have yet to see a Bennett tab plane fall off, like I have seen on 3 Lencos in my life so far. Lenco welds their hinge and once welded, that area is no longer stainless steel - it is plain ol' carbon steel and WILL corrode in our s/w environment.
FACT - the only reason Parker installs Lencos from the factory is purely to keep the co$t of the boat selling price down, as Bennetts can take an hour or two extra (no more). I know that as their head of engineering told me that himself personally! In fact he added that his own Parker boat wore Bennett tabs ... so what does that tell you :?: ?
I installed mine in 2001 and haven't had to touch them since. But have had friends who have had to replace Lenco actuators and switches, as well as the planes of others that corroded in saltwater and fell off ...
I don't care what brand he buys, as long as he doesn't buy those Volvo piece of crapola ...