Welcome to ClassicParker 
I can tell you firsthand that 9" chord (depth off the hull) x 24" span (width across the hull) versus the 12"x12" OEM tabs are a SIGNIFICANT upgrade. You'll be able to get on plane faster, plane at lower speeds, drop the nose without losing you miles-per-gallon as much as you would by deploying the far too small 12x12 planes, and overall imrove your response of the hull and it's performance.
The larger planes do not interfere with the water flow to the single motor one iota. In fact, I almost wish I had gone even wider, as trim tabs function by pushing down in the waterflow, which causes lift and drag. But wider tabs have a much higher ratio of lift to drag, whereas smaller tabs cause much more drag as a result of achieving the same relative lift.
In regards to twin OBs, you need 8" minimum from the centerline of the Ob to the inboard edge of the tab. See:
FWIW I have tested side-by-side 2 pretty much identical boats. Both wore 225hp OBs, one with Lenco 12x12s and mine with Bennett 9x24s. Both boats were equipped with fuel computers. Now our measurements were far from scientific, both of us ran ran both boats and we found the larger surface area tabs actually
increased MPG when there was a small surface chop. The Lencos
never increased MPG. When seriously deploying the tabs, we found as a 'guesstimate' that the 12x12s cost 20 to 40% in additional
decreased MPG versus the 9x24s.
I assume thsse are Lenco brand tabs you have installed? I am guessing you do, so I'll let you in on a little info.
I have a "test project" underway with a reputable marine company to upgrade the existing Parker OEM tab system using 12x12s planes to those of equivalent surface area of the 9x24s. This would use the stock system and actuator, and only requires replacing the tab hinge and plane, which is of a new design. Replacing the existing hinge only requires a few 'new' holes to be drilled into the hull (to increase the span) as the new hinge uses the other bolt pattern already drilled into the hull.
Would it be equivalent to the upgrade of Bennett 9x24 planes? Probably not, but for a 1/4tr or so the price of the full price 'convert to hydraulics' upgrade, it should improve the performance of the Parker hull immensely! Stay tuned for more info ... but please know that it will be the Spring before I can do the testing. We will be using a fuel computer and an accurate inclinometer to reproduce the running angles and MPG values, before and after the upgrade.
Anyone who is interested in this potential and simple cost-effective upgrade ... please reply here. Cheers