personally, i run a 2530 with twin 150 2 strokes, but ride a 220XLD with twin 150 4s pretty frequently. my opinion is that that both boats are powered quite sufficiently with the 150s. that said- we dont do alot of live bait fishing (mostly trolling/dead bait chunking) so were not running with a full livewell. we also dont bring a whole lot of stuff with us, as we do mostly day trips and like to keep the load light. he gets about 1.5-2 nmpg on an average canyon run, which for us is between 60-80 nm one way, trolling, then 60-80 home. however, if youre used to the power of 250s and then downsize to 150s for the economy, i cant see how youre going to like the performance. i have never (with a few very limited, very excessive exceptions [cue Midnight Expresses]) said, "wow, this boat has too much power". i thinnk that you'll find that, when looking at the performace bulletins, that the downsize will give you a marginal fuel savings, with a significant decrease in power and an increase on strain on the engines. IMHO, keep the big dawgs :wink: