I’ll second these, awesome upgrade and way less likely to scrape skin off your shins than the factory ones. Looks like sharp edges on the ones Sea Seven posted as well.Not exactly what you asked for but I have been extremely happy with these under gunnel brackets: Custom Under Gunnel rod/misc brackets
Mr. Connelly is member @megmac and makes the brackets shown in the link above.There is a guy named Mike Connelly on Parker group on facebook that makes custom holders. I bought a pair last spring for 180 and they were much more functional. He makes them out of starboard and live up in Maine I think.
Another vote for these ! Have had them for a year now. Great product. Use them for Rods, Boat Pole, Deck Brush, Pole Spears ...Not exactly what you asked for but I have been extremely happy with these under gunnel brackets: Custom Under Gunnel rod/misc brackets
The ones in this link were the ones I purchased and was Mike was able to add another slot. Now I can have easy access to my poon or an extra gaff if needed quicklyAnother vote for these ! Have had them for a year now. Great product. Use them for Rods, Boat Pole, Deck Brush, Pole Spears ...
On the other side with the same handy fastener length gauge built it to mount them on?DANGER!........DANGER! ..... Be certain of your screw length.
I installed some for a customer.....He decided to add some more on the opposite side....He put screws right thru the side of the hull.
I guess he wasn't the brightest customer lolNo clue... Customer did it.... Out of my control.
I believe we call that “job security”.No clue... Customer did it.... Out of my control.