Here's my thoughts; try running your boat with a normal load in smooth water and observe the bow spray and wake.
If the boat is untrimmed, the bow spray will exit the sides of the boat pretty far aft, the wake will be high and close to the stern, and the motor(s) may sound like they're working harder than they need to, and the ride may be rough.
When trimmed, the bow spray moves forward and doesn't spray out as far, the wake is much lower in height and further aft of the boat, and the motor(s) will sound like they are not laboring as hard.
When using the tabs, use short burst, then see what happens. I also agree to but more bow down when running in rough conditions to get the bow to cut into the waves and smooth out the ride.
Botton line, just use 'em to get the ride that's best for you and your boat.