The filters are easy enough to clean that you don't need to buy a new one every time, especially if you already have a spare and can have a clean one ready to install. All I do is get a spray can of carb cleaner with the little straw and blow out the filter from the inside out.
I've heard that icing down the gasket will get it to shrink and be re-used, but I haven't tried that myself. I always have a new one ready to go, but about 50% of the time I can re-use the existing one without any tricks. You do have to be very careful here, if the gasket doesn't fit perfectly, you are almost guaranteed to have a gas leak due to the pressures involved.
In 2007 & 2008 I was cleaning the VST filter at the beginning of the season and at the 100 hr maintenance. Mid-way through the 2008 season I switched over to the 2 micron Racor filters and have gone the entire season without any problems (knock on wood), which is about 75 trips so far. I found that the 2 micron reduced, but did not eliminate, the problem with the mystery silver powder.
One could speculate that if the silver powder is a result of the Ethanol gas reacting with the aluminum fuel tank and the aluminum VST tank, the 2 micron filter would catch most of the junk from the fuel tank, but not the VST.. but I think this a lot of this depends on the gas you are putting in the boat, and how it is mixed, etc..
Another thing to consider if you have been having lots of powder accumulation, is that it might be worthwhile to take a look at the fuel injector filters as well. They are pretty easy to access, but its a little scary un-hooking the fuel rail to get at them.
-- Tom