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salbrent":1j8m4uny said:just a fyi found on Craig s list
23' Parker hardtop, under 5k - $4500 (Leonardtown, Md.)
Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2008-07-29, 10:30PM EDT
I have a 23 foot Parker that I won at auction for $3500.00 It is located in Georgia; will cost approximently $700.00 to ship home, and I am willing to sell it for my cost plus expenses. It appears to be in fair shape, with hardtop, side curtains, sea bracket, etc., but it has been used by the Georgia dept. of natural resources I am told. The motor is reported as "blown", the fiberglass is reported to have scuffs and blemishes, but the Parker boats are a very dependable tough breed. I recently purchased another boat, (didn't think I'd win this one,ooopppsss!!), and really can't afford to keep three boats at once. If interested please call me at 240-925-2169 and we can talk.
Thanks, Joe
where in ga is it located what town?
* Location: Leonardtown, Md.
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests