Sorry...somehow I read right past it.
Unless that wall has sealant under it that deflects the water to the sides and to the scuppers, water could get under the wall and down into the bilge.
Try this...put a dry towel down in the bilge, close the bilge hatch, then slowly run water from a hose up against the base of the wall. Let it run for a few minutes...then open the bilge hatch and see if the towel is wet. The trick it to get water up against the base of the wall, and not onto the lid of the hatch cover, so you can eliminate water coming in from the hatch during the test.
If the towel is wet and you were careful to eliminate water coming in the hatch, then that wall needs some sealant between it and the deck.
If the towel is not wet, then the water is coming from somewhere else.
I can't imagine that Parker built an anchor locker without a drain. Check again...there has to be some kind of small drain either overboard, or down the keel toward the forward bilge.
Let us know what you discover.