Legally it sounds like youre good. however, in addition to what youve stated here are a few (read: lots) of things you should try to get soon.
safety: get now- EPIRB, fully stocked ditch bag (read up on that in other forums, do a search), better flares than the ones in the CG kit, a GOOD medical kit, a handheld VHF, multiple fire extinguishers (there is no such thing as too many- at least 2 at different locations), plugs for every size hole in your hull, as well as a Nerf football to stuff into larger holes, a GOOD spotlight, Type I PFDs (pricier but well worth it in an emergency- your life is worth $50) with lights, whistles, etc; a GOOD strobe light, a GOOD throwable (not one of those cushion pieces of crap- im talking either a lifering with 100+' of line or a Lifesling throwable or similar product- i recommend the Lifesling). Get later- liferaft, more flares, 2nd EPIRB, sat phone.
Other: set of charts for your area, a good set of binoculars, deck chairs, a good cooler with a pad on top for seating, at least 1 extra rodholder in each covering board, 2 if you cant put them in the transom, cutting board, bunch of 5 gallon buckets, a bunch of cheap knives, scissors, pliers, etc; gloves to handle fish/line, nets and gaffs, additional raingear (cheap stuff to keep on the boat), guide to lights, sound signals, and dayshapes; guide to chart navigation, handheld canister airhorn, tool set (basic stuff- screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, wire cutters, wrenches, channel locks, vice-grips, wire ties, duct tape, filter wrench), spare filters for all the filters in your system, various lubricants, boat soap, scrub brush, boathook.
all of the above are pretty much just me mentally going through the compartments on my 2530 and eliminating the more useless stuff :wink: not necessarily all absolutely critical (except for the safety gear) but its a good starting point. have fun with the new baby!