What rod / reel for wire line?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2007
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North Falmouth, MA
I would like to get a rod / reel for trolling wire line to catch stripers. I am looking for recommendations on what outfit to buy. I am willing to spend around $300 for the rod and reel. But the catch is... I have to buy it at West Marine... I am holding a gift card that I need to use for this purpose. Any suggestions?
Penn 113H2SP special senator (SP designation means the reel has a bronze spool for wire line). I believe they make a matching wire-line senator rod.


If they dont stock it, I am sure worst, i mean west, marine can order it in for you.
I have used Penn 320 &330 reels with great success . Some of the reels are over 8 years old. ALL of the poles with wire line have roller guides from top to bottom.
Thanks for the advice. I have a few questions. Someone told me to be sure the wire line rod guides were made of "carbolyd (?)". I see that the Penn Senator Wireline rod has Fuji Silicone Nitride II guides. Second, I have heard that the Senator reels are not what they used to be since they are now manufactured in China, and that I should look at Shimano. Third, I have been told to avoid rollers as the knot between the wire and leader often gets hung up on a tip roller, and that most folks in the Northeast don't use them. Any comments on these questions?
Idon't know when Penn started making the reels over seas but the 113h with the bronze pool is the only way to go. I have had them working with out problems for some 15 years now. Okuma makes a wire line real now too but have no experience with them, you have to be very carful with the spools on these reals they will take a beating, not aware of Shimano making anything that would work for this but general;ly you know they have a very good product line. If you are going to use the rods more then a few times a year go with the carbolyd and avoid roller guides (ever the tip). I have a pair of Seeker wire line rods that have been great with the metal real seats that I really like. Keep in mind there is a lot of pressure on these components especially if you plan on dragging spoons which we do here in the NY area all the time. If you plan on pulling a diving plug or umbrella rig you may not need stuff this heavy.
to stop pulling the knot in the guide, a plastic bead can be put in above the knot. this will keep the knot out of the guide . all of my poles with wire line are roller guides and have not had a problem with any of them. make sure your reel seat is a good one because that's where the most pressue will be when trolling. fugi makes an excellent reel seat. l