ScoopsAhoy":3d334czm said:
I recently purchased a 2520 and while I really like her, I do have to say that she's a little tight on storage. I'm an organizational freak and I don't like "stuff' just stuffed in the berth. I'd like to hear from anyone who has any tips on storing:
Boat Lines
Extra anchor, props,
Fenders and all of the rest of the "stuff" you might have on board.
OK... When you see the photo of my v-berth, you'll probably say to yourself...
... but let me explain.
At first glance, this looks like a mess... but it makes sense (to me). :lol:
I store my 'stuff' in tote bags, plastic storage containers, and purpose made bags to keep everything sorted and available.
See that green tote bag in the upper left? That has my docklines in it - each one 'chained'.
Emergency equipment (pyrotechnics and such) are in the yellow ACR 'ditch bag' within reach lower left.
A complete set of foul weather gear, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, sunglasses and related clothing is in a large blue waterproof BPS tote. Utility lines in another tote.
Extra PFD's are in a PFD bag all the way forward.
Onboard electronics manuals, maps, charts, cruising guides, NavRules, and other reference material are in a plastic 'tupperware' storage box. I have another smaller tupperware storage box that contains extra sunglasses, antiseptic soap, bug spray, and sunscreen.
My 'lunch-hook' and rode are in an old leather tote bag.
The tow hawser and sea anchor both occupy their own canvas tote bags.
Fenders are on the right side of the berth (behind the helm area) so I can just reach in and grab the hang lines that are attached.
The anchor float is stored in the same area, with the ring on a hook so it's easy to grab.
Finally, all of my fishing gear is carried in soft sided BPS bags with my tackle in plano 5600 and 5700 boxes.
Two bags for trolling gear, one for LTJ, one for bait fishing, one for creek lures...
I also have some of those give-away lunchbag totes... one for leader material, one for extra plastics, one with extra hooks and specialized items like liveline rigs.
Then I have a 1/2 size plastic 'milk crate' for 5700 boxes of lead, topwater lures, terminal tackle, baitboard, and bait knives.
Koozies, air horn, mini-maglight, and other 'stuff' (including paper towels) are organized in 'drink holders' on both sides of the pilothouse.
Fire extinguishers are mounted on both sides of the pilothouse.
Sharp knives are mounted at the helm (on the side of the sounder), and in the cockpit in case of emergency...
Swim 'noodles' are used to hold lures while fishing, which keeps hooks out of your feet (a good thing). :shock:
Oh! Those under-deck storage boxes in the v-berth?
Tools, extra filters, Ringfree, StarTron, Sta-Bil, measuring cups, funnels, fuel 'diapers'... all stored in (you guessed it) canvas tote bags.
always 'collecting' tote bags. That's why my v-berth is so... colorful.
Now I need to work on rod storage.