coastie743":3u3zfmkw said:
Coasties being a nuisance hmmm. Hope they aren't a nuisance if ya ever start taking on water lol
Gotta remember that there are a lot of people running boats that don't have a clue ...
From my direct experience, that applies to TIMING of USCG boardings ... like the time I was fishing for stripers in a heavy tidal rip, OB running but drifting, not 15' off the jagged rock jetty ... and the N'Port Coasties wanted to board me for an inspection. No problemo - I have NOTHING to hide nor fear, in fact I defy them to find ONE problem/issue with me or my boat ... but uhhhhhhhhhh, could they at least wait until my lines were in & stowed and I have moved safely AWAY from the hazardous jetty? Of course not! And let me tell you, I gave that Office in Charge a litany of choice words I'm sure the female Coxswain had never heard before!
I have had this happen TWO others times since, again 2 years ago whilst trolling 5 lines off the outriggahs trolling for tuna and then again this year when setup on Stellwagen Bank for tuna, drifting chunks off balloons and kite fishing.
Yes - they have a job to do, yes - I respect the work they do, and yes - I understand 110% they're dealing with IDIOTS on the water ... but I bet I see more than they do, as we don't see too, too much USCG presence
on the water here, unfortunately .... But let me tell you, that badge and uniform does not replace nor over-rule common sense!
In each of these 3 cases, I have had to HOLD OFF the USCG boarding attempts while I retrieved my lines in a safe manner or so that they wouldn't cut my expen$ive lures off AND moved off to a SAFER locale/current/area for a boarding. Unfortunately, I've witnessed it directly where that authoritarian power dulled their own sense of seamanship and common sense.
Just one common man's perspective from the 'other side' of the uniform ...
I thank YOU for your service and would be most pleased to be boarded by you ... and toss back a beer together later when you were off duty!

My treat to boot ...