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I'd like to get two voltmeters so I can have one for each battery. As far as I can tell, my yamaha gauges can't tell one battery from the other, just that there's a power supply that I control from the bilge 1/2/combined battery switches. Anyone have any examples of how they've approached this as far as the wiring to be able to test both batteries even if one isn't switched on in the bilge? I can't figure out a way to do it without hardwiring it (but maybe that's why this isn't so common). I was looking at just getting two of these cheap voltmeter/usb chargers or maybe one of the momentary switch types. If it's on a momentary switch, would you trust having a hardwired circuit? Right now I just have the one bilge pump hardwired outside of the battery switch circuit but this would be a lot longer wire to burn up in a failure so it has me a little concerned.