Yamaha 150 2 stroke oil link adjustment

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Sep 25, 2018
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Hello all ,

I have 2005 150 2 stroke carburetor Trxd . Been have some issues . Rebuild the carbs and working the bugs out . I notice oil laying in carbs .
When I look at oil link it looks to be out of adjustment. Been that way since I got it 5 years . Looks like from aftermarket manual I should adjust it at idle to touch the stop . It looks like there is a lock nut missing also . If I adjust it to stop at idle will it still put out enough oil or has people adjusted them to pump more oil in motor to be on safe side . Any help would appreciate thank you


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The type "A" side of me says it should be adjusted as the manual says. The none type "A" side of me says "let sleeping dogs lie." If you aren't fouling spark plugs leave it alone. It's been working just fine for at least the five years you have had it.
The type "A" side of me says it should be adjusted as the manual says. The none type "A" side of me says "let sleeping dogs lie." If you aren't fouling spark plugs leave it alone. It's been working just fine for at least the five years you have had it.
Thanks for the reply . It hasn’t fouled plugs . It has quite a bit of smoke idles rough .and the was some running down lower unit from exhaust . One thing I was told was to go ahead and premix with gas . Fill the oiling system and mark level see how much it goes down . See if it’s using oil then refill and try to calculate oil used to amount of gas used . With the premix it will still get lube while making sure system is working
A lot of people do the block off and premix their oil/gas. If you have oil running out the exhaust it's probably safe to lean the oil mixture. What do the plugs look like after running? The best way to check them is to put a brand new set it. Warm the engine up and then do a full power run. Some say pull the safety lanyard while still at full throttle to shut it down. Others say just bring it back to idle then shut it off. Either way, shut it down and check the plugs with as little idling as possible. If the plugs are dark you're too rich. If they look good leave it alone. I doubt you will find them too lean.
A lot of people do the block off and premix their oil/gas. If you have oil running out the exhaust it's probably safe to lean the oil mixture. What do the plugs look like after running? The best way to check them is to put a brand new set it. Warm the engine up and then do a full power run. Some say pull the safety lanyard while still at full throttle to shut it down. Others say just bring it back to idle then shut it off. Either way, shut it down and check the plugs with as little idling as possible. If the plugs are dark you're too rich. If they look good leave it alone. I doubt you will find them too lean.
Thanks . I got a used link off eBay . That one had a white plastic end on it and the lock nut . The one on motor is black and missing locknut . I like the black one better looks like the plastic is beefer longer set of threads but I did put the white one on for now . And adjusts has about 3/4 travel toward the full the full open stop . I premixed fuel in tank . 50/1 approx . And topped of tank . Marked tank I did take it out once seem the run good and less smoke at idle even with premix gas and oil injection . I’m going to run both premix and injection til I’m sure injecting is pumping enough . Basically run 50 gallon and see if oil tank takes a gallon to fill to the marked line I made .
I didn’t pull plugs yet . After One run with the carbs cleaned and oiling the way I have it . It running better than when I got it 5 years ago . It be awhile
TIL I run 50 gallons but I post result when I do thanks for the help

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