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  1. reellucky18

    Parker 1801 repower

    Sure looks pretty. I wish Yamaha had the white cowlings in 150 when I got mine. While it will be achievable to hit 40+ on that sled, you’ll rarely get days to hit that for long stretches of time. But it is fun zipping across the bay at that speed. You can’t go wrong with the Suzukis. I have...
  2. reellucky18

    Parker 1801 repower

    I went through this same decision process at the end of 2022 and finally pulled the trigger on a 150 Yamaha. I had a 150 2-stroke Yamaha on it prior then upgraded to the 150 4-stroke early 2023. One of my main decision points was my mechanic who I trust as does every other Yamaha owner that I...
  3. reellucky18

    Sea Swivel Trolling Motor Mount, Parker 1801 trolling motor mount

    Also, if you are doing a new install, you may want to consider putting your batteries in the console vs. in the stern storage areas. Weight distribution and free up some storage for other things. Pardon the wiring mess, I will update this in the off season to tighten this up. 1 main battery...
  4. reellucky18

    Sea Swivel Trolling Motor Mount, Parker 1801 trolling motor mount

    To work around the nav light issue with the trolling motor, I installed Taco surface mount nav lights as seen in the attached pic. Easy to install & VERY bright. My TM as a standard install with a quick release bracket does prevent the anchor...
  5. reellucky18

    1801 & Minn Kota Riptide Terrova Quest

    My boat had existing wires for the trolling motor from the previous owner. I replaced the older MotorGuide with a MinnKota this year. I have 3 12v lithium batteries and the main engine battery in the console. The wires can be run from the console up towards the bow following the fuel line, or...
  6. reellucky18

    1801 & Minn Kota Riptide Terrova Quest

    My boat had existing wires for the trolling motor from the previous owner. I replaced the older MotorGuide with a MinnKota this year. I have 3 12v lithium batteries and the main engine battery in the console. The wires can be run from the console up towards the bow following the fuel line, or...
  7. reellucky18

    1801 & Minn Kota Riptide Terrova Quest

    In almost all applications the 60" has done well for me & I fish mostly in the ocean. Once the wave build high and tight enough that my motor continuously pops out of the water, I am pulling the motor back in & heading to the barn. 72" will def hold better in those bigger waves/traffic, but it...
  8. reellucky18

    1801 Enclosure

    Does anyone in the NJ area (preferably Southern NJ) have a canvas/enclosure company they have worked with & recommend? I added a T-top recently and before the winter time tog season starts I'd like to see if I can get an enclosure (with wings) made. Thanks in advance.
  9. reellucky18

    Best Stick On Fish Tape Measure?

    This is what I did after my stick-on tape measures either got sun faded, ripped, or eventually had to come off. This is a 32" bump board that I attached velcro to and affixed two wooden blocks with the other velcro attached to it on my fish cooler. This way once I put this bump board on the...
  10. reellucky18

    Electronics/Radio Box for T-Top for 1801

    I went with the Radius T Top from a local to me shop - Atlantic Towers.
  11. reellucky18

    Electronics/Radio Box for T-Top for 1801

    Hello, I recently added a t-top to my 1801 and I am looking for suggestions, photo's etc. of any electronics box or radio box mounted to your t-top. I have seen a number of pictures of 1801's with the box mounted but finding a quality box is hard to come by. I have 32" of space between my...
  12. reellucky18

    Has anyone added an aftermarket t-top?

    Sorry this is an 1801.
  13. reellucky18

    Has anyone added an aftermarket t-top?

    I too am looking to add a T-Top to my 06 Parker and I am curious what must have's and wish you added items for your T-Top? My list is below, but please let me know what you see that could be different. T-Top with canvas top Folding VHF antenna Bow light bar Stern LED deck light(s) Electronics...
  14. reellucky18

    1801 & Minn Kota Riptide Terrova Quest

    On another positive note, I took the 36v 112lb motor out this weekend for my first use & I was simply blown away by its power. I was able to hold in spots that I could never hold with my 80lb MotorGuide. Winds were quick strong in the morning yesterday in front of Atlantic City & huge swells...