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  1. E

    Boat For Sale Customized Parker 23’ Sport Cabin for sale

    Incredible boat and that wahoo is a monster.
  2. E

    2006 NC Wildlife Office Parker 21 Deep V Center Console - Need an extra key and a cover. Any suggestions?

    I have a top from them for a 27’ Grady. The top fits well and is durable. Expensive yes, but it should last at least 10 years.
  3. E

    1994 Parker 1801 project

    Livewell drains through transom, slightly lower than bottom of tank. Its typically below the waterline so make sure it’s valved.
  4. E

    1994 Parker 1801 project

    I think it’s an 18’ from the look of the transom. I have a 17’ and the freeboard on an 18 is slightly higher all around. That’s the primary reason why the 18 weighs 900 lbs more than the 17’. You will need mount tabs for the tank unless you use chocks to anchor down the tank. If you use chocks...
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    1994 Parker 1801 project

    Plan now to add a fuel fill chase to the gunnel and tank box. I would look at a typical 18 and follow it. Run your marine grade wires now. Also, don’t foam the tank in. Keep an air space around it and secure the tank completely. Use all top grade stainless and never let water stand in her when...
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    2007 2320 tank replacement

    Nice job. I agree with the air space around the tank and also the coffin drain holes. This works with a California boat that is trailer kept. I can believe a 2007 was leaking. My 94 started leaking in 2018 when the tank was professionally cleaned !
  7. E

    Parker owner Again!

    It’s an 18’ that is 2000 lbs. She’s more like a 20’ with that weight. Nice boat.
  8. E

    Cost of a new boat going back years.

    Inventory is starting to build on all types and makes of boats. Just give it some time and a deal, that does require work, will come your way.
  9. E

    2007 Parker 2100 Custom NC Wildlife Officer

    Where is this boat, hours and asking price?
  10. E

    1998' 2520 tank replacement

    If in SoCal, check out American tanks in San Diego. Vince makes good tanks.
  11. E

    How is water getting in fuel tank

    Fyi to all you guys that will be replacing tanks in CA. You can get tanks made in San Diego by American tanks. It’s not a terrible job if you have basic plumbing and fiberglass skills. Expect to pay 1/4 of the cost if you do it yourself. Search it. I just finished the job last spring. See the...
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    How is water getting in fuel tank

    1997, I bet there is a hole in the tank. My 1994 had 3 holes. Aluminum tanks do corrode and water seeps in no matter what. The foam recesses holds water. The hole may be on the side of tank or up near the front. Washing the boat is the source of the water or rain/ condensation if boat is in...
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    New 22 21 se

    You probably hear your tabs raise up when the power is turned off. That’s a good thing. It’s so when you put it on the trailer you don’t crush the tabs.
  14. E

    1999 2520 DV Repower help

    One of the best photos I’ve ever seen on cp. Once again, if you want the work done right do it yourself. Also who drops a rag in the tank and doesn’t say anything! Idiots. Nice catch with the lure. Change your fuel filters and hope your engine is ok. And that’s a colt sniper so your are going...
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    Fuel consumption

    Nautical miles versus statute miles?
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    New 22 21 se

    Trim tabs are mandatory. I do 40 mile ocean runs and the tabs push the front of the bow into the water and increases the running surface. The boat will follow the water surface versus going up and over it. There are limits. I would say tabs all the way down and 3000 rpm will give you the best...
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    Battery Switch 1/2/Both with Twins

    You have an aux output on your engines which can charge a separate house bank.
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    Newbie with a 1988 2110 WA...

    Great job. Get some wrap or a fabric sleeve to protect those cables and hoses at the engine. I like those etecs! Great engines.
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    New Parker Guy

    Cool repower. Good job keeping an older hull going.