Have a 1801 and want to move batteries from transom to console, 2 batteries. Reason being, the scuppers are under water when 2 are at or near console and water constantly coming in. Have the storage room under console and question is...can the batteries just be moved to console and then take the 2 positive wires and 2 negative wires that you have to run from batteries to the back and connect to all the wires back there, without having to route all the wiring up front. Simple move if can be done like this. Now have lot of weight in transom area...Bob's Jackplate with pump, water washdown pump, 30 gal. livewell, and the 2 batteries. Almost standing in water if sitting still for period of time. Do not have this problem if only me aboard and then only if someone moves to console area. Plus, this would make getting on plane faster and just overall better ride seems to me. Someone with wiring know how can answer this...thanks.