I can’t add much to the asking price comments but may be able to help with maximizing the interest and eventual sale price.
The photos are good but could be improved and added to.
1801s are big boats for their size. Since prospects might not have been on one, you will need to show them how. Straight on shot of the bow flare with the nav lights on can be impressive and informative. Don't exaggerate the perspective by getting too close. Back up so that it looks “normal” and crop before posting. Also, the foredeck and liner less hull give the feeling of a much larger boat. A shot from around one of the bow cleats looking down one side of the console and across to the opposite rod holders would show this. On the Yami gauge shot, shoot it at an angle that gives you a uniform reflection of the sky, then correct the distortion before posting. If the screen on electronics is seen, fire it up. Lastly, if the boat is as clean as it looks, I’d show off the engine and bilge too.
Best of luck with the sale.