Update... I have been using the boat since the spring of last year and everything has been working great. I pulled it out of the water about two weeks ago to install a new Uflex steering system and to service the motor. All that work went off without incident, I stopped and filled the boat up on the trailer, dropped it in the water, test ran, and parked it back at the slip. Went down a few days later and could smell fuel, chalked it up to changing the fuel water separator and spilling a little fuel. Left the hatches open, and the smell cleared out, thought everything was good.
Went down the next day ran a pretty long trip on the way back noticed the fuel smell came back and opened the hatches to get back. Pulled the boat out of the water, brought it back home, and attempted to get everything cleaned and dried out. After sitting with hatches open with a fan running for about a day and a half I closed everything up overnight. Came back the next day to find a strong smell in the console, I again went all over the fuel tank from the access I had and checked the lines thoroughly to find nothing.
I took the boat by a restoration shop that had recently done some work for me, the owner went over the boat with me and couldn't find a smoking gun. He finally picked the boat up high with his bobcat to see if any fluid would come out, we had a large amount of water come out with a fuel sheen on top. He told me to fill it up on the way home and pick the boat up as high as possible with the jack to see if any fuel would work back over time.
After making it home and lifting the boat up, initially, I got about 2.5 gallons of water with a small sheen on top. I placed a new bucket under the drain hole overnight and woke up to find a five-gallon bucket full with the majority (75%) full of fuel (picture below). So, now I am in the process of pumping the fuel off to make the boat safe to work around and am going to pressure test it just to have an idea where on the tank it's coming from.
Unfourtanley I do not have a ton of time to work on it myself or the extra cash flow to pay someone to tear into it. I have spoken to the welding shop about the issue and they are going to stand by their tank but we haven't really discussed anything beyond that. It is very disheartening as I tried to make sure the previous work was done correctly to last a long time and have put numerous hours of other work into the boat just to turn around and tear it up again.
To answer some questions I'm sure that will come up, all the fill, vent, and supply lines were replaced with the new tank. The boatyard that did the work has been bought out and has new management there now. They allowed me to get the tank built myself and bring to them to install, so I will be dealing with the welding shop directly once we confirm and pull the tank if that is the issue.