2120 Console Layout & Roof Mounts

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee
I dislike having anything block my forward vision when running my boat so it took me awhile to lay out my electronics and controls so that I have a clear view out the forward port & starboard windows while still having things where I naturally reach or look for them.

My compact Icom VHF radio is in the window corner out of my path of vision and the mike is mounted above it so no mike cord hanging down over the console.

My RayMarine C70 squeezed in on the upper left side of the console. I did have to shave a bit off the sun cover right edge where it met the steering wheel. Keeps my depth, radar, and chart in good view. The RayMarine 300 depth module under the console required an on/off switch so I installed a toggle switch on the lower right side of the console and tied my lighted Lenco trim tabs to the same toggle. Toggle on means the tabs and the depth are on. Toggle off shuts off the depth and the red lights on my Lenco trim indicators and it automatically raises my tabs so no problem getting on my slip lift or trailer.

The Guest joy stick search and flood light control is under the Yamaha gauges as I am right handed and find the joy stick easy to control.

Under the searchlight contol is the new Lenco lighted trim tab control.

To the right of the red horn switch is a 12 volt cigarette lighter outlet for my cell phone, 12 volt vacuum, etc. and beside it is the toggle I mentioned above.

On the lower left side of the console is a Sony AM/FM/CD radio that meets my simple needs for this equipment. I installed a short fibergalss whip antenna under the console for this unit that works fine near town. I could hook it into my Shakesphere 8 foot antenna if I wanted to in the future with the VHF/AM/FM antenna connector.

On the roof of the house I started with my radar dome and the searchlight and once I had them working I did the rest.

I had the radar/searchlight mount custom fabricated in Louisville with the forward down pitch angle for the radar. Also left a tab of metal extend behind the searchlight for future equipment (Sirus, cell antenna, etc.). The searchlight can illuminate my bow and the stern from its high point and gives me no glare. The searchlight can be lowered by loosening an allen set screw at the base of the mounting pole.

The anchor/running light is still the highest point above the searchlight.

The hailer is on the aft starboard side of the roof. It is also my automatic fog horn signaler.

The GPS is on the aft port side of the roof out of the scan of the radar.

I wanted an 8 ft. VHV antenna and found if I mounted it on the roof that it hit the beams above my boat slip after I raised it on my slip lift so I mounted it on the port side of the Alaskan bulkhead - the aft cabin wall. It still gives super power but loses a tab of range by being lowerd some. Now I do not have to raise and lower it and it will lay down aft as its base is easily accessible.

All the gear rests above the Parker wire runs and all the wire was easy to pull.

All suits me well now to see in daylight or at night.


  • 12V outlet, toggle switch, wheel knob (Medium).JPG
    12V outlet, toggle switch, wheel knob (Medium).JPG
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    8 ft.VHF antenna (Medium).JPG
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    bow view of roof (Medium).JPG
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Very Nice Layout. Well-thought out and practical. It obvious that putting a lot of thought into this ahead of time has resulted in a very efficient layout.

Dropping your dual trumpet horns aft a bit and putting them behind your radome has just extended their life by several years! :lol: Nice Job!