2120 pilot?

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mx beach guy

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
Which brand model # windlass will fit
my boat best .Does it come w/a switch?
How much rope an size?
There are now over 600 of us here on CP, and it is hard for my 55 year old mind to keep track of all the boats and owners (except for Kevin and the Megabyte which has a bilge so clean you could eat out of it).

Which boat do you have, and then I'm sure we can provide some good info.
Hey Im 48 so dont feel bad' Its 2005 2120DVSC pilot
thanks for the reply
I believe that all the Parker sport cabin and walk around models use the same basic windlass. Look for Porkchunker's windlass threads here in the "Projects" area for photos and model number of the one he recently replaced.

You can find a number of windlass models here:
http://www.byownerelectronics.com/store ... p?cat=1012

The amount of anchor rode you put on your vessel will depend on the area where you typically boat and weigh anchor. Here in the Chesapeake, the reefs and areas with structure where we fish are relatively shallow, so we generally don't carry more than 300' of rode. Even at a 7:1 scope, more than 300' here would be a waste.

Looking at the unused space in my 2520's chain locker, I'd bet that thing would hold 600' (or more) of 1/2" rode. :D

Consider buying a pre-spliced windlass rode that has a sufficient length of BBB windlass chain to allow your vessel to get a good hookset on the type of bottom that you typically encounter.

Here are a number of pre-spliced anchor rode spools:
http://www.byownerelectronics.com/store ... p?cat=1805

For more info on how to choose an anchor rode, look here:
http://en.lewmar.com/products/index.asp ... 0&sub1=414

Good luck!
Just a thought, if still following this thread. I put the Lewmar Pro-Series stainless on my 2120 matched with 300' of 1/2 rode and 20' of chain.
Although the locker would except more rode, for the windless to function smoothly there needs to be a drop space of about a foot. The 300' of 1/2 inch is about the optimum for the 2120 with windless. With insufficiant 'drop' wet rode bunches at the top of the locker for the last 50 or 60 feet and has a habit of bunching up in the feed port and freezing the windless. Just a minor annoyance, still beats the old hand over over hand retrieval system.
By the way this is my second Lewmar and both came with switch wiring and breaker.