2320/F250 Prop Selection and Engine Height

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I figured about 43 mph for a 17 pitcher. Do you remember any mpg figures for cruise speeds?

JP is very near War Veterans Boat ramp where I launch 90% of the time, so very familiar with it. Hubbard family owns most of it. A lot of new construction going on now. Probably want to get it up before the next big hurricane.

The monsoon finally subsided long enough for me to get out at try a Merc Rev 4 17 pitch.

WOT 44 mph 6000 rpm
2.5 mpg 35 mph 5000 rpm
2.8 mpg 30 mph 4400 rpm
3.1 mpg 25 mph 3900 rpm

Overall I like this prop the best. There is a nice cruising rpm range from 3800-4200 with about 3.0 mpg efficiency. In that range the engine sounds very smooth. There is no significant bogging down in higher seas either. With this prop the F250 pushes along effortlessly. Although 35 mph is less efficient due to the 5000 rpms needed to get there, I don't really get to go that fast in any kind of real sea anyway just basically due to the helm being that far forward on the hull. So, I am happy with the 3.0+ mpg in the 25-28 mph range.

Any 2320 owners out there? What prop would you pick? Any thoughts?

Prop testing complete.

I'll PM you on Monday. My daughter's 1st B-day tomorrow, so kind of busy right now. FW numbers would be slightly different from SW numbers. SW more dense than fresh.

Grouperjim, you returned the F250 back to the factory height, correct? It sounds like the boat gets good numbers with both the 17 & 19. I think the 17 is slightly better though. I am going to go with that one.

Thanks for the prop testing you did. That was EXTREMELY helpful. 8)

Yes, I returned the engine to the top hole on the mounting bracket (lowest position). Although best performance numbers were at the second hole down, in certain short following seas, the prop would catch enough air to cavitate. Do to this the engine went back to top hole---no more cavitation. Engine definitely runs smoother/sounds better with 17p v. 19p especially with full load aboard.

FYI: On a recent fishing trip with 150 gal fuel, 4 guys 150 lbs ice, full gear, full water tank etc.-----the worst mpg I could get at 30-32 mph was 2.2 mpg. 2.4 mpg on way home.

Awesome. Sounds like the 17 is the way to go. Where did you get the props from? Local shop or internet?
I got mine from Ken at Propgods in Sarasota. He has a prop testing service that meets a boat owner at the ramp. For local customers, Ken brings his truck load of props and changes them out until you get the one you like.

He will send you one through the mail or you can probably get one through a local Mercury distributor.

Last I heard, Ken charges $479 for the Rev 4 plus shipping.

Of course. If it can be fooled with, I have done it. You can buy the different sizes (sm, med, lg hole size).

On take off the engine spins up quickly relative to hull speed. The sensation is that of an over propped boat. Essentially, you are cavitating the prop with the engine exhaust.

I put the original caps back in because my hull really has no problem getting on plane. Found no advantage to cavitating the prop with the PVS system.

Wouldn't it be great to have a prop database here...boats, engines, props?
Start a thread called "prop database" and I'll post my specs with a photo. :wink:
(I just need to get my numbers off the prop on the boat first :) )