2320 modification question. I need some help

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Jul 8, 2009
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Narragansett RI
I am interested in a 23 and was thinking about a 2310 because I would like to open up the helm in good weather. I do not like however how the aft deck raisies up as you move forward (about 6 feet from the transom). I also do not like how tall the boat is with that setup

Has anyoneever opened up three sides of the sport cabin? I know you can get them with no back but what about modifying the sides and putting support poles in? Similar to a tashmoo or others with hard windshields and tops that are connected.

I believe the sport cabin boats have a larger aft deck that remains flat for longer then drops down as you get in the cabin. Keeping everything lower and opening up the deck. not to mention that 2310's seem a bit tough to come by.

Did parker ever make a 2320dv with a proper bulk head accross where the helm is? I see the new ones do not have a mate chair like the captains and that the helm station is small and bolted on.

Any help would be appreciated. and perhaps photos of the inside of earlier sport cabins as I can not find many to check out.
Thank you,
The pre "sl" version of the 2320 has a full bulkhead between the wheelhouse and v-berth area. The SL came out in 2005 so if you can find a 2004 model year or earlier I am sure the customization can be done fairly easily. The curtain on the sl model was one of the main reasons we didnt end up with a 2320 as my wife said there is no way she was going to use the potty with just a curtain for privacy. I guess she is just too prissy.. :lol:
B Faithful
Thank you. That is good to know.
I assume those were still DV's?
Did they have doors to the v burth or did the outer door serve as the lock?

Thanks again
Trust me... a pilothouse model with drop curtains doesn't need the sides trimmed away to be more comfortable.

I routinely run here in the summer time with the windshield only opened to the first notch, the side windows open, and the rear curtains rolled up and it is plenty cool in the heat of the summer. The cabin sides also protects you and your belongings from spray if you get into rain or rough seas. :wink:

FWIW - We have members here who have opened up or otherwise modified their cabin bulkhead. A model with a bulkhead and door can be made into an open-back with drop curtains fairly easily, though mine came that way from the factory.


That looks sharp. I like it.
Having never been one that is older than 07. Help me to understand the lay out. Did they all have the curtain at the bulk head or did some have doors like a 2310 would have? Did they come standard with 2 chairs inside or whas there a different layout like the newer ones?
and how rare are the open back ones?

thanks again
Be careful when cutting on your boat. It's a disease. Once you cut out one thing, you'll want to cut it all... :lol:
I think some were mod v's but most were deep vs from what I remember when I was searching. I could be wrong with that. Robin at Parker seems to be very responsive to information requests so you may want to call the plant and ask her. I think the 2320's before 2004 had doors to the v-berth.

I have been on Megabytes boat and the open back is nice. From being on his boat, it became a must have for me and my family when when I started shopping myself. I am not sure how many Parker did from the factory. The do seem much more rare. Even if the boat you are looking at doesnt have it, I do think it is an option that wouldnt cost very much to have done professionally.
Bluefish1354":3agwg5ce said:
Having never been one that is older than 07. Help me to understand the lay out. Did they all have the curtain at the bulk head or did some have doors like a 2310 would have?

Did they come standard with 2 chairs inside or whas there a different layout like the newer ones?

how rare are the open back ones?

The MVSC's like mine (1996 vintage) have a curtain opening to the v-berth, but I believe that the XL series (still a 16 degree mod-vee) had doors.

All of the MV's I've seen had the pedestal chairs, though there might have been another option from the factory.

The open back model is/was a no-cost option, but they are rather rare.
When the dealers order the boats for floor stock, they rarely stock an open-back model.
Not sure why that is, but almost everyone who sees an open-back with drop curtains likes it. Those of us who own one wouldn't have it any other way. :)
I have a 97 2310 and took out the engine well and replaced it with a removeable bulkhead fab'd from starboard,gave me a helluva lot more real estate onthe deck. I don't see many 2310's around but I really do like the wind in the face and have eisenglass curtains if need be.

I fully agree with the advice from Megabyte. I have a 1999 2520 SCMV with twin 150 Yammies on a notched transom, and the "open back" pilot house. Being on the Gulf Coast of Florida, I have enjoyed the design of this model across the seasons: shade and great ventilation underway in the summer, and comfort, keeping dry and warmth in our mild but rougher wind and bigger water winters.

I have replaced the port pedestal seat with a console/seat; there's some pics of the conversion somewhere in the "intro" section of this site under the title "new from Panama City" (or something like that), posted in late '08 or early '09. Bottom line ---- I believe that cutting the sides is a scary propositon, frought with the potential for many scarier surprises. But then, again, I'm not a marine architect.

Good Luck,

All great advise. Capt Ronnie, great work onthe bifold door. that seems like the way to go. What was it made of? I am in RI and have the same desire for the ability to close up in the off season. It seems to get cold quick.

As for the advise to not cut the sides, I agree. Its not necessary especally if the back is open or partially open. Finding an older boat with a bracket and a open back seems impossible. Just finding an older one with a bracket is hard enough.

For what its worth they parker said that 2001 was the last year with the curtain and could not recall if a solid door was ever an option.

Should I be worried about fuel tank issues in the late 90's boats? hoe long can you get out of a factory tank in these boats?

Thanks again