25 SE fuel tank

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The tank space is sealed to keep water out.
If water got in, look to the deck hatches and to the t-top feet (where you found those soft spots). Thats how your water got in.

Some boat builders put access hatches in the deck (old Makos for example), but if the hatch sealant fails, you have the potential for big time leaks.
Cruise on over to ClassicMako.com and take a look at their project area. Lots of tank work being done over there due to tank hatch leaks.

Parker seals the deck, so unless you have leaking fill and vent hose/motor supply hose deck pie plates (or other deck penetrations), the chances of a wet tank are minimized.
No coating on the alum. :( Tank will last as long as you own it, but next owner? That's questionable. As you have found out.
I should have. But it would have added a week or so to the project. Tuna are biting and I am hauled out. I want to catch the last 6 weeks of the season before I get weathered in.
Thinking about going Downeast in the next 2-3 years. I just need the space and range now.
Question: I've always read on THT and some of the other "classic" forums about using coal tar epoxy as coating to better protect aluminum fuel tanks. Is there a specific manufacturer that anyone has had proven results for extended life? Is plain old barrier coat epoxy (e.g. Interlux Interprotect 2000) a solution? My '02 isn't there yet but just curious for when that day comes along.
Sprayed On? I've heard of sprying them with bedliner, but not Coal Tar Epoxy. You would never get the Coal Tar to go thru a gun...It's WAY to thick. I use the West System foam rollers...They are designed to stand up to epoxy. I cut them in half and use a 3in roller frame.

The Rustolem brand can be gotten from Grainger....Ask for the "Kit".

I've heard of using interprotect......never used it. I have seen tanks that were coated with zinc Cromate primer still fail.


That looks great. I was confused then. I was thinking bed liner/rhino spray or whatever that is.

I plan to sell the boat in the next 12-18 months anyway. I figure she should be good for at least 10-15 more years.

I want a Downeast.