2520s, single or twin, extension or open transom???

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I have a 2000 2520mv notched transome w/225 yamaha ox66. Great boat & great engine that moves her along nicely. 3700-3900 rpm 20mph, depending on load. Unless your planning to go off shore more than in shore you dont need the exspence of twins or the rockin of a deep v at drift. I am toying with the thought of a new boat, but would have to get 30k firm. Good luck!


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We run 24 miles thru the bays and than out into Gulf, sometimes 24 more miles. Would like to run at least 22knots so figure need an honest 250HP or more single. Not a Yamaha that you have to run high test in to get the horsepower out of it for example. Mostly bay fishing. Bottom fishing so can get along with out the deep V, just trim the bow down and go slower and benefit from more stability at anchor. Actually would rather have just a good single OB but got to have a closed transom and would like a bracket that could handle twins if I wanted to do that. Want 1993 or later to have a better chance of avoiding soft deck or rotten wood under the deck. Even than it is iffy with the parker because they didn't encapsulate the wood members under the deck. Although they did put resin on them, as I understand from a Parker rep. Appreciate the offer. Thanks
fighterpilot":2m0duf4z said:
Would like to run at least 22knots so figure need an honest 250HP or more single. Not a Yamaha that you have to run high test in to get the horsepower out of it for example.

You don't need twins, or even a 250 to hit those numbers.
I do it all the time... with an OX66. Regular gas too.


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What you are saying is I'll be able to run 25-26mph with 4 to 6, 200 pounders, full fuel, ice, bait, and all the fishing equipment as well as the usual lunch supplies, bean bags for riding in reasonable comfort, and all on a hull that is kept in brackish water with year old bottom paint. Oh yes, will have a Rv roof a/c on top, full enclosure and a Honda 2000 genny running the a/c. Although you can do it, are you loaded like I described? If so that is good to know. Now how about some other brand name 225 engine. Will they all do it? My experience with two of us, 20 gal of fuel, on an empty 1997 2520, with twin 2003 merc. 250 caused me to question the 225hp loaded boat. We pulled one motor up and accelerated with the other and it eventually did come up. Of course sea trial is the answer but I hate to drive 500 miles to find out it is a marginal set up with the single 225.
Lack of response to my previous post regarding performance with given load and horsepower suggests I may have offended the forum. Didn't intend to do that, just trying to pin down performance with a typical load for us when we go snapper fishing. Thought this forum would be able to share their experience with similar load for any given horsepower. Thanks
fighterpilot":31exp5ue said:
What you are saying is I'll be able to run 25-26mph with 4 to 6, 200 pounders, full fuel, ice, bait, and all the fishing equipment as well as the usual lunch supplies, bean bags for riding in reasonable comfort, and all on a hull that is kept in brackish water with year old bottom paint. Oh yes, will have a Rv roof a/c on top, full enclosure and a Honda 2000 genny running the a/c. Although you can do it, are you loaded like I described? If so that is good to know. Now how about some other brand name 225 engine. Will they all do it? My experience with two of us, 20 gal of fuel, on an empty 1997 2520, with twin 2003 merc. 250 caused me to question the 225hp loaded boat. We pulled one motor up and accelerated with the other and it eventually did come up. Of course sea trial is the answer but I hate to drive 500 miles to find out it is a marginal set up with the single 225.

fighterpilot":31exp5ue said:
Lack of response to my previous post regarding performance with given load and horsepower suggests I may have offended the forum. Didn't intend to do that, just trying to pin down performance with a typical load for us when we go snapper fishing. Thought this forum would be able to share their experience with similar load for any given horsepower. Thanks

I think the lack of response is because what you are asking for is not realistic.
If you load down a 25' boat like a dump truck, you can hardly ask for Corvette performance and Kia economy.

A couple of things that will always be true.

Twin motor do not always guarantee more speed, due to a little thing called 'terminal hull velocity'.
Adding horsepower does not guarantee more speed.
Twins will always cost twice as much to feed and maintain.
Twins do make maneuvering and docking easier, but a practiced hand with a single can do almost as well.
Even a 225, properly setup, can give good performance on an MV hull. There are thousands of them on the water that prove that point.
If you opt for a DV hull, you will need at least a single 300, or twins. Take a look at the Parker specs for a 2520 DV...
http://www.parkerboats.net/pages/boat_l ... ?boatid=16
A used boat with twins will cost you more than one with a single.
In many cases (such as with a repower), you are paying for the motors... with a hull thrown in for free.

Do not judge what is on the market by the boat you missed out on.
Megabyte":3fq24ok1 said:
fighterpilot":3fq24ok1 said:
What you are saying is I'll be able to run 25-26mph with 4 to 6, 200 pounders, full fuel, ice, bait, and all the fishing equipment as well as the usual lunch supplies, bean bags for riding in reasonable comfort, and all on a hull that is kept in brackish water with year old bottom paint. Oh yes, will have a Rv roof a/c on top, full enclosure and a Honda 2000 genny running the a/c. Although you can do it, are you loaded like I described? If so that is good to know. Now how about some other brand name 225 engine. Will they all do it? My experience with two of us, 20 gal of fuel, on an empty 1997 2520, with twin 2003 merc. 250 caused me to question the 225hp loaded boat. We pulled one motor up and accelerated with the other and it eventually did come up. Of course sea trial is the answer but I hate to drive 500 miles to find out it is a marginal set up with the single 225.

fighterpilot":3fq24ok1 said:
Lack of response to my previous post regarding performance with given load and horsepower suggests I may have offended the forum. Didn't intend to do that, just trying to pin down performance with a typical load for us when we go snapper fishing. Thought this forum would be able to share their experience with similar load for any given horsepower. Thanks

I think the lack of response is because what you are asking for is not realistic.
If you load down a 25' boat like a dump truck, you can hardly ask for Corvette performance and Kia economy.

A couple of things that will always be true.

Twin motor do not always guarantee more speed, due to a little thing called 'terminal hull velocity'.
Adding horsepower does not guarantee more speed.
Twins will always cost twice as much to feed and maintain.
Twins do make maneuvering and docking easier, but a practiced hand with a single can do almost as well.
Even a 225, properly setup, can give good performance on an MV hull. There are thousands of them on the water that prove that point.
If you opt for a DV hull, you will need at least a single 300, or twins. Take a look at the Parker specs for a 2520 DV...
http://www.parkerboats.net/pages/boat_l ... ?boatid=16
A used boat with twins will cost you more than one with a single.
In many cases (such as with a repower), you are paying for the motors... with a hull thrown in for free.

Do not judge what is on the market by the boat you missed out on.
I'm not asking for high speed-- If 22 knots isn't reasonable for a Parker 2520 loaded for fishing than I am looking for the wrong boat. That shouldn't be anywhere near hull speed limit. I understand more power, more fuel, but there is a difference in fuel consumption between a carb 200 and a efi 200, which I am considering. Parker is built for a fishing boat, at least I thought it was, hence the large cockpit area and the bait wells. On a fishing boat 4-6 is not unusual along with the ice, food etc. The genny weights 50 lbs and the roof a/c maybe 100 lbs. If you consider loading a fishing boat like I plan to load, akin to loading like a dump truck, than so be it, but that is the way we fish. The cockpit area suggests one could us it as a 6-pack boat with up to 6 fisherfolks, but factory power seems to contradict that. One can use a 250-300 hp engine and save weight. Certainly someone on the forum must use it as a fishing boat with their 3-5 buddies and run off shore for some fishing and I bet they go with ice, food, drink, and probably, in some case more fishing rods than the 6-8 we will take. What is your experience? Under that load will a single 250 run it 22 knots. I'll bet a Suzuki 300 4 stroke will. Does anyone do it with a single 225? All I trying to acertain is the performance of a fishing boat going fishing with given hp pushing it. If my requirements are unrealistic for a Parker 2520 than I don't need a Parker and I will look for something else.

I had a 1994 Hydra Sports 2550 WA which was a D V with cabin, toilet, sink v bunks ets and had twin 200 rudes on it and it did pretty well even though it was 30 feet long with the Armstrong extension. Later Hydra Sport called the same boat a 2750, a more realistic number considering its length. The problem there was it wasn't a pilot house and closing up the helm area would have been difficult.

From your responses it would seem that for my load a single 225 would leave me under powered, maybe even a single 250, but from my experience twin 200s would do it, but certainly not the original twin 130s or the single 225hp configurations. One of the forum members runs a single 300 Suzuki and that would seem to be a good fit as well. I'll accept your comments as my requirements need more power than that which was the original power configurations for the Parker 2520. So will plan on repowering any twin less than 200hp twins or any single less than 250hp. Or just reject any of the single 225 or less boats and anything with less than twin 200s. Like you suggested can find a boat repowered cheaper than doing a repower my self. Thanks for confirming the underpowered Parkers out there and I will keep looking. Thanks for your input.
Well said by Capt Kevin, bravissimo!

I wasn't fishing, but I had NINE adults aboard 1-day for a cruise when my 14-degree mod-V was 'underpowered' by a mid-90s OMC 225hp dirty 2-stroke. Loaded down w/ coolers, food, ice, chairs, grills, beach gear and 70-gals fuel, plus I always keep a 10 to a dozen rods OB on board - just no expen$ive toona gear.

I have ALWAYS upgraded to 4-blade props and that PowerTech prop got me to about 24-25 cruise, where I usually ran in higher 20s.

You can't beat that!

But note, a 'fast' offshore hull she is NOT! Running offshore today I really had to drop my tabs (24" wide!), but she still managed 22MPH at 2.2 MPG which ain't too dang bad in a nasty, confused & sloppy seas. Only 2 on board, but fully loaded, and I'm sure my tower and outriggahs add severe windage drag!
DaleH--you were loaded down. Great to know that might be able to do 22knots. Since you work in MPH assume that 24-25 was MPH and that is just about 21 to 22knots. A mid 90s engine I assume was a carb engine and what RPM was it rated for and what RPM were you running? Not that it would make that much difference the way you were loaded but I believe the earlier 2520s like your 1992 were a little lighter in weight than the later models. Don't know where the 1997-1998s fall in the weight growth.

As far as your running off shore experience were you limited to the slower speed by your choice because of sea conditions or extra drag? Assume with the extra trim tabs and the nose down result you had more hull drag. Again what rpm were you running. 22mph is only about 19knots and a little slow for us. Do I need a deep v which would require more power as noted by previous post or just more power because of the increased hull drag on the mod-V?

Really appreciate this information--can't beat real world experience. As an aside we ran the Hydra-sport 30knts with the old carb. rude 200s to and from the fishing area. But I'm older now an would be happy with 22knots. Thanks
Carbed engine was a 6K motor propped to turn 5800-5900 WOT in the Spring on a clean bottom. I tyypically cruised 4000-4200 RPMs on that motor.

Yesterdays run was with the Suzi 4-stroke DF250 in a nasty, wind-driven sea state. She tops out @ 6100 RPMs, and is propped to turn 5900-6000 RPMs.

Both motors wore 4-blade PowerTech props (different models, pitch, and diameters of course).

If you're going offshore, buy a deep-V. Sounds like you want it all ... so I'd say a 26' Regulator CC with twin minimum 200hps should suffice ...
Appreciate the quick reply. The Suzuki sounds like a great setup for that boat. I understand the 4 stroke is a good honest 250hp on regular gasoline. It is said the torque for that engine is a little more than some of the other 250s. I have found one with a 300 Suzuki on it but the boat is a 1991 which gives me some concern. The wood underneath is the question and it is a 7 hour drive just to look at it. Again, thanks for the additional information.
I fish out of Jones inlet NY .. Have a 14* mod v 225 ox66. I've had 6-8 men bottom fishing in cholera for cbass and fluke. Full fuel.. Full fishing gear. Ice. Food.. Etc.... Cruise 22mph (GPS) at 4200rpm burning 17 gph (via Yamaha gauge) in 2-4 seas (more like 2' rollers) .... Forgot to mention notched transom and no wet feet...
Good to know, appreciate the reply. I had heard the ox66 was a good engine. Fuel burn quite acceptable. We get that kind of seas in the Gulf where we fish as well. Do you have the larger trim tabs? Understand no wet feet but maybe we can find one with a fish box there. But if you really want the truth, the ladies say no notch transoms. I don't fish, Captain going out, deckhand once we get there. The ladies are die hard fisherwomen, even cut bait and bait their own hook. I have electric reels for both of them since we bottom fish in 200 ft water sometime. Yours is the real world experience I was hoping to get from the forum. Thanks
I don't have the larger tabs just your average 12x12. But I have a heavy bow since I carry 200' for 1/4" all chain anchor rode and usually store everything from fishing gear to extra ice I'm the cabin.. I like to have nothing on the deck while fishing just an empty dance floor.. Since I run in this conditions most of the time on a mod v I know I will constantly use the tabs so instead I just store everything in the cabin to run bow heavy. That way no need to change tabs and the 12x12 will be enough.....

On the last post I said 22kt but its 22 mph @ 4200...
Darn, I thought I was in business with an older 225, but that looks like 19 knots. If I ran it 4400 to 4600 rpm would I get the 22 knots and would the fuel consumptions take a big jump or is it pretty much linear as opposed to carbs really opening up at the higher rpm? Thanks.
Same boat as tomysel except my motor is on a bracket.
Boat was running heavy that day.


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I think the lack of response is because what you are asking for is not realistic.
If you load down a 25' boat like a dump truck, you can hardly ask for Corvette performance and Kia economy.

Winner----Winner----You get a Chicken Dinner...IE:......Ain't gonna happen. Sea's and and Current also have to get thrown in there and it makes a BIG difference.

I'm out of P'Cola, so I do know about what happens in the Gulf. We fish 10 to 40mi offshore. A lot different than the N.E. coast where most of the folks are from.

Just in general....I get 2.5MPG in the ICW and 2.0MPG in the Gulf. 4000RPM = 25MPH 2013 DF-300AP Suzzy on a '95 2530 bracketed. That is loaded down.
Megabyte, that looks like 27knots at 4400 RPM. That's great.

Warthog, know yours is a little heavier boat but believe you had a 250 on it, which wasn't enough power, before you put on the 300. What do you think about the 2520 with 225 on it loaded like I load it to fish. We too, run out into the Gulf from PNS, but our route is via Blackwater Bay to the pass.

By your post "ain't going to happen", did you mean the 225hp wouldn't be enough, ergo, 22knots as we load them to fish? Thanks